img My dream lover(Mystery behind the locks and love)  /  Chapter 7 The Demolished House | 70.00%
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Chapter 7 The Demolished House

Word Count: 604    |    Released on: 30/10/2021

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t want me to leave the hospital. The doctor told me to wait for five more days . I checked the wall clock severally, occasio

ome back, that if I got home, I would take our clothes and then we would goto an hotel. She didn't agree with me but insisted on follow

see tears in her eyes. ''Doctor, next week is my birthday'' cried Promise.. ''What could I do now?'' was the question that came to my mind. I did

So I quickly replied. ''Yes''. I pecked her on her soft reddy and chubby cheeks, t

that my house was already demolished. Just in the midst of my thought, I saw two of my neighbours,

s, replied the neighbours. I continued; ''So, now I am here''. I couldn't continue to talk, as I felt gre

clothes; my belongings and the new ones I bought for Promise were outside.. I didn't have a suitcase so my clothes were on

'. I replied '' OK''... I made my way back to the hospital. On getting to the hospital, I stood in front of the gate and remembered that Monday w

the gate, then I felt that some

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