img My dream lover(Mystery behind the locks and love)  /  Chapter 3 Hot fight with insults. | 30.00%
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Chapter 3 Hot fight with insults.

Word Count: 525    |    Released on: 30/10/2021

mself but depending on a lady who just lost her job, just becau

o my life.I continued saying I don'

you are behaving like a nicompoop.I said as I m

the store just this morning but because of your carelessness y

e of no use here, you don't pay out of the house rent fee, you don't pay money to the PHCN, yet you sleep on the new bed I just bought a day before you arrived here. All you do is to sleep, snore and tell me that you are hungry. ''You are such a useless man of no regard,I said

ho the little pretty girl might be. I didn't say anything but walked towards her when the little girl raised up her head and said;'' Who are you?''.I couldn't reply but all I could do was to stare at her as I stammered and said "I- I- I- I am Pamela but you could call me "Pam" I said

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