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Chapter 8 The Runaway boy

Word Count: 588    |    Released on: 30/10/2021


your parents''. And that is your family. I turned back to see who was talking to me.. I screamed loud and louder again.. It w

ward when he said; ''You care, you cared and you still care''. ''For who?''. I said. ''For my sister'' replied Potiphar. Sh

re. I held him very well. I could recognize myself in the picture. I decided to go into Promise's ward. I knew that she would have been famished by

insisted that until she finished her food. I was staring at her while she was eating and my stomach was making sounds, whic

Small mummy, now I am done eating. Ask me the que

any times did I call you?''. She replied; ''Three times, Pam''. I smiled and so I continued; You know now that our house has been demolished? she said "yes "

still surprise. Was she Potiphar sister?. Potiphar never made me to know that Promise was his Sister. I entered back into the ward again and furthermore, l asked Promise my question again giving her the frame to look at.She said this is my family. Here is my small mummy (pointing at me ).I

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