img The Adopted Alpha  /  Chapter 5 Hunter Pyrros | 8.62%
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Reading History

Chapter 5 Hunter Pyrros

Word Count: 1160    |    Released on: 22/09/2021

hat we have a new

see the

some. I'd like

ket type, he looked so hot.

human o

nice to finally get a hot

d at football? He shoul

to school this

had me one of those. He mu

ld parties at his parent's mansi

ed by. Of course, she was curious as to the person that the whole school w

east. Jeff and his gang would be trying to get the new

uld throw a party in the said mansion that weekend, she would not be invited to it

rself that she had less than a year left and she could finally

her class and settled

w kid at her v

ter the teacher. The teache

guy was really as handsome as they

His eyes were piercing black and he had a full upper lip. He was ab

le and straight face, He looke

n school' plot were unrealistic b

s in case he wanted to add anything

seat, Mr

smirked at the teacher and turne

pty seat beside her. Was she finally g

lmost dance i

sitting beside her like she thought, walked past h

When he walked past her, he was like a rush of c

seemed to be like the new most popular guy in school would notice her o

nation, along with the chill

hool entrance and was probably an Alpha or maybe a B

ied to concentrate on what Mr Cameron was teaching. But sh

new kid could actually be staring at her. Whatever

fool out of herself for th

hen the bell rang, she e

h break. For the first time in a long time, she needed to use the library

aping. At least

m just fine. She was feeli

ing and Clare had a sneaky suspicion t

period fiasco but he would attend each class, sit at the back of the

ncentrate on what the teachers were saying when

convince her loving and supportive Alpha parents that she was

ened one to begin studying. She didn't

ing at her? Who was he? And w

wouldn't call herself gorgeous but she was pretty and

t rid of her. That would explain wh

ause she was next in line for the Alpha-ship.

hands. Maybe she could explain to Hunter that she did

felt that feeling she was beginn

ollowed her to the l

as Hunter Pyrros standing at the entrance of th

yes but she could not, because, he was still st

he love o



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