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Chapter 3 Old bracelets

Word Count: 1039    |    Released on: 22/09/2021

ilith after she poured herself some into a nice chin

d "tea" name muta

dumb too when she saw it written on th

e tea, sweetened it with syrup and th

verage, Clare left the kitchen to

ble on a sofa before taki

I. T. and righting all the wrongs in your system." Cl

Lilith aske

ked kind of confused. She sometimes forgot that her aunt was so old fashioned. "Like

d at her aunty. "Old people." She murmured under her breath knowing it would set her o

was so friendly, brilliant and surprisingly easy to talk to that Clare felt

at her niece.

olf, your hearing is like, too go

t time, don't talk back at me then.


ust the story of Hercules like I watched on Disney only more intense." Clare stated mat

ave read or watched. Thank you!" Lilith huffed as she too

at book is just full of a lot of mumb

om the kitchen. Clare had been so engrossed in checking for a new book t

lame me if my curiosity won't let me set high

after all." Her aunt replied. "Speakin

then remembered that Lilith was

rung, right next to Prometheus' Legacy." Clare check and saw

h books? I have been intendi

nt. "I've told you to stop sneaking up on me like that." Sh

oice. Clare obeyed and saw that her locker had

h shaking hands. Clare rolled her eyes at her aunt

acelets like that are so last decade." Clare said eyeing

unt finally announced after careful inspection

when she heard that,

t her surprised niece. "You... your mother gave this to me.

tended to skit around the issue of her parents so as not to relieve bad memories. But mome

s a lone tear ran down her cheek, a dep

member her. I can only i

lt and regret. Clare wondered if her mother

bout her existence till she was sixteen, and

tiful soul. S-she was so so full of li

omfort her aunt whom she had n

you, Aunt

man nodded.

man and patted her softly whispering "It's okay"s an

d finally quieted down. "You look exactly like her.

asleep, on



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