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Chapter 4 Insistent premonition

Word Count: 1083    |    Released on: 22/09/2021

arrow hall. It stretched for as long as sh

ghtly lit even though she could see no bulb or flo

nced at the floor. The tiled ground ben

aybe this was the afterlife. A w

ld have thought she would have felt some sort of pan

Clare had never fel

almost sighed in disappointment. She had thought she would be in some flow

om Aunt Lilith's. She had helped her adoptive mother set the table for dinner. She

use that would be really funny

life included no excitement or risk and

ow! Ju

the rows of doors on the walls. They each

e closest one and squinted


o inside or to continue down the hallway. She finally decided

e door and to her surprise and del

elt surprisingly light compared to how

ly high ceilings, as tall as a storey building. It had it's w

t contain any books. Instead they

delicate contents. She wondered if she was allowed to touch any of

was a top secret room so she wasn't allowed there. Or she might be accused o

, Clare let her curiosity win and decided that one peak wou

shing over her face. She grumbled an

lept in and if you don't

called enough to conclude that it was Julia, the Lun

er pillow taking a minute t

e down." Julia called from th

xt thirty minutes sleeping rather than having breakfast,

ing was to make her bed which she did befor

l she was taking her bath. Suddenly, the i

And boy was she glad that it was just a dream. Her life was bori

lege. She wasn't physical strong enough to lead the pack. She knew the strongest was

lege. Rick would take over as new Alpha after her parents retired and maybe Uncle Dr

ts of the glass tablets. She had been so close to readi

prediction like her exam scores or the next

he was ju

oom of prophecies' and the glass tablets refus

see? Was it about her? Or

s now a seer, able t

e house looked from outside, how was she supposed to find it? And it didn't look l

the dream was not a coincidence and that she was mea

eeded to know the contents of the tablets b

, didn't know ho



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