img The Special Ones Book 2: Hidden Secrets  /  Chapter 2 Two | 15.38%
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Reading History

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 965    |    Released on: 07/09/2021

dents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to



I quickly stood up as I saw Julien entered the student council's Of

'm fine.

t happened to Trixie, I was immediately looking for yo

, I need to be alone f

hat you're w

" Bryle asked "H

re a while ago. Have you

ed Nico. Th

or my pocket and gave it to him and sighed

e Crest that I saw, wh

Lance?" I asked "Do you

We need to find first on how they got ins

t Jeth "Like one of them already got inside without us know

ure on what you're s

us are going to be attacked again?" he said

tigate a Thousand of students?" I

you think there's a spy,

we going to know if

ld me, that there's a m

kind o

in it, if that person has

I saw Julien who is silently sitting down at the couch with her legs crossed, s

k to the dorm and d

t me to com

leaving us four here at the office, I

ere are y

Don't worry, I'm go


ith red e

d Aldren, making me think on what he said before. Aldren once told m


in, wher

rrence came in followed by

th me, she brought

mething happ

en she was attacked,

happened, plea

our fault, w

ety, someone broke in." I reached out and opene

r your sister b

nda looked into the cr

Mindy asked "Is this the

l looked at me except for Amanda, her eyes ar

e they d

de here, maybe one of the students are pretending that they

come." Bryle took a quick glance a

u for what happe

od up and opened the door to call Trixie, C


y something?" she asked "Ap

ld I apo

gn me to train with that girl, it almost cost

other is badly injured and second, you are right. I would li


e spies of Black empire?" Mindy

and every student he

s are the ones who are lazy,

" I said "Let's not waste our time in it,

ister is one of th

ooked at Terrence "

did your mind come u

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