img The Special Ones Book 2: Hidden Secrets  /  Chapter 5 Five | 38.46%
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Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1073    |    Released on: 07/09/2021



e the canvas in front of me making a closer look to my art, she then let out a laugh

me to me but your art makes it cooler." she said “Anywa

t some touches a

nd placed the canvas to the safer side, grabbed my phone and jumped unto my bed. Isabella is still in

and Isabella couldn't possibly hear me due to the water running. I quickly stood up

opened it to see who is knocking in twelve midnight. I was shocked, Nicholas is in front of me, he lo

e middle of the night?!" I whi

ake so long to

ing twelve midnight!" I whispered at him in low voice, we were outside the door.

er stop callin

nce I would change the way I looked at you." I walked inside the door

looked at him "You should feel ashamed of your

ould feel ashamed-" he suddenly barged in and closed the door and leaned on it, prev

r else you feel how h

me stay here fo

broken-Oh?" we both looked the same way where

wed him in his belly making him

mind him." I said "He

to you." he said in a seriou

in wanting to talk to me, making me yell at him something I shouldn'

ne voice "It's just that I need to te

say." I grabbed Nicholas's arm and we went outside of my room, I looked around and still it's so

de, what's that impor

after this, bring Isabella with you." he w

at's hap

ing to someone, I overheard your name and the word kill, I don

target, after they failed t

what you're saying then I'm sorry." I was about to go inside when he held my wrist

know that you're still mad at me for what I've done before, b

know I need to go to sleep, you need sleep a

and straightly looked at me in

before, I know you told me to go away and leave you alone. But af

did yo

that its not safe and I don't want you hurt. I still love you so much, Mindy

e's wearing all black with those latex gloves, and her eyes are dark violet. "I'm

ing in front of me "You go inside your

nt to

he's alone." he said "Once you e

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