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Chapter 8 Fight

Word Count: 909    |    Released on: 11/08/2021

n happening below them. Thereafter, he yelled, “B

delinquent girls fighting. He retracte

ly. “There’s nothi

m as he contin

. “Brother Dawson, look! This girl is really good. She’s fighting seven to eig

in looking at those girls dressed in stran

beaten. Just as she was about to pick up a wooden b

loudly, “The p

had been beating Haya began t

e opportunit

ey were doing so because they wouldn’t let her off or i

the back. The three of them began to run like their lives depended on it. Only aft

stopped by the roadside as the

en it went over a puddle, thus splashing filthy water

of them we

r in her mouth as she yelled angr

r on her face. She walked toward a car that was parked in front and looked at her refle

wipe her face, the car window was rolled down slo

backward in shock, nearly fal


n’t he say he’d be o

ard to ask her what’s wrong. But when she saw Huo si

d expressions on

they look more horr

ad their wigs on and wore blue-tinted contact lenses. Moreover, they had smudged the bright red rouge on their lips as they unconsciously scra

a, sending distress s

the role of a virtuous wife after her marriage. Now that her husb

ime, she knew that it would be even more difficult for him to recognize her this time with

of them grabbed hold of Anna on each

is scene caught him by surprise. After all, women would fling themselves on the President no matter wh

t contain his curiosity and asked Huo,

ld tell that she was not in the right frame of mind. No matter what, he could not imag

entle, lovely, and timid wife could dress up i

o steal things in cars after smashing the windows, PA

nd ignorant girls who had chosen to walk down the wrong path in life and

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