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Chapter 2 prepare your bath

Word Count: 802    |    Released on: 11/08/2021

dentity of his wife and needed to put up

gs and that, in fact, she was carrying out assignments

she was

awson. He’s married and doesn’t like other women touching him. If yo

Well well well, this fella i

a min

this means that no o

nized me, he wouldn’t h

witness at their wedding. Being a frequent visitor of the Dawson househo

then… does that mean Huo c

so thick that even her mother would not be able to recognize her. Still, she maintained a low profile

utton to open the elevator’s door that was abo

the little beauty,” Adam teased his f

t and glared at him

etic foundation on his coat and frowned disdainfully.

the elevator door opening. Thinking that it might be her husband, she fled toward the fire

eover, the elevator that opened on her level was not the one that her husband was riding. Hence, she ca

looked away

red away to ano

as to look out for the delivery girl with short hair and in exercise attire. Hence,

cling to the wall to steady herself. This time, he was getting into a car.

r she’d confirmed that his car had d

ned and washed up. There was no trace of that vampish dres

ight, cr

ntle and virtuous wife sho

chet, walked up to him, passed him his flip-flop, and to

you had yo


till need


virtuous wife, she had sought inspiration from novels and drama seri


om, she was positively sure that he

to do something to her later at home if he had recog

not make her a

he magnanimity of a god. In fact, he was as cold-blooded, heartless, and vicious as rumo

could finally put

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