img My cold Husband  /  Chapter 9 good look | 90.00%
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Chapter 9 good look

Word Count: 356    |    Released on: 11/08/2021

Anna all the way through several a

reached the final stop. Leaning against the wall, she slid down to the ground before burs

y phone was not interesting enough, or the games weren’t fun enough? O

s to suggest this ide

ife, now, her legs were even about

oam the streets again! It

ach other when they heard

nce tonight was well worth the price

me, the two of them ret

ze you!” Tamara retrieved a can of cola fr

eup if you hadn’t known that it was me in the fi

mara had to agree

he rest of your life? He’s so good-looking! Every time I see him, I’m reminde


er what, I’m a young and invincible beauty. Why

tupid to lose a man like Hu

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