img THE HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE  /  Chapter 5 4 | 3.70%
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Chapter 5 4

Word Count: 984    |    Released on: 22/04/2021


with Jasmine." My wife, Doreen

, kind, caring, loving man and yet she's still ungrateful!" Doreen hissed angrily, "I'll slap her so

doesn't get mad at us and deprives us of the allowances o

e goes down on her knees, if she has to be his slave, I don't care what she doe

et and she

r properly? What's wrong with that girl after everything I've done for her, she repays m

en, taking the

and before the end of the week, Jasamine would be found and I promise you dear, s

t know that marriage is for better PR for worse."

stigator picks o

u".I say simply the


tions that are off limits. That's why it's always

when the white shirt turned to gray? When

t where she'll get a job, then I'm leaving and going straight b

mbering. And rememb

her place. The child was sleeping at one side of the bed, but the gi

of it, she is s

* * * * *

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* * * * *

* * * * *


I entered the room. Hell,

the back of my hand on her forehead

start thinking of the past. And if I think about the past, I'

ttles. I don't want to remember anything. I don't want to think at al

elf as I dropped the things I bought

e stay. I stayed at the little baby sleeping besi

"One night and I'll be out of here. For now, I

he sick girl. Then, I rem

ick. I'll just stay and nurse her for only one n

ff her sweat and her burning body wi

meone has beaten this girl up really bad. My eyes clasped

a young girl tha

to bury myself deep into the bottles aga

he sweats on her body a

" She sudden

but her eyes were squeezed s

.please...!" She

thing I never want to remember again in my life. I fisted my hands a

back to sleep. I released a breat

" I said to myself as I turned

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