img THE HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE  /  Chapter 4 3 | 2.96%
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Chapter 4 3

Word Count: 1425    |    Released on: 22/04/2021


m. I'm in

my slumber. I heard the sound of my son's little gi

My hu

ove to get up but my head hurt suddenly.

e sharp movements like that." A

and I recognised him immediately. It's th

n't look so d

voice came out sc


f my face doesn't feel so heavy

d?" I asked i


aged. I looked around the unfamiliar environment. It was

d my baby. Will he take Jaimie a

" He asked them, his eyes

lked closer and placed the baby at my arms. My baby looked

a lot of baby formula and bottles there at the rack..." He gestured at a small rack i

tarted but h

ow your size but I bought some things I thought may be your size. Bought other necessities too.

as well be speaking Chinese beca

tion plag

hy-looking beard



dden movements, my mother always used to say stranger-danger and for o

hat you're saying." I

one will disturb you here, if you're running from the law, just lay low here. I've bought the basic

nded. Even Ja

Why...?" I was tongue tie

on't know how to pay you back fo

"I have requested fo

there's something I've learnt in life,

g a gentleman but I know what

r. He just ensured my baby's comfort by b

"Please, my baby is going to be asleep in a few

sed. At least he isn't being an asshole about

s homeless filthy drunkard that suddenly prov

for you too. You can't take care of a baby in an e

s against the headache pounding my

ke and pay him for his

d and some food for my baby until my body heals. I don't have to worry a


had plans for her the minute he gets his hands on her and so

he time she had done this, this particular escape mades him s

he go

home without her parents telling me about it. After all, I'm the be

st in c

ort her just in case she decided to visit there. He knew he


s furiously. "Tha

at her up so badly she won't ever think

hared her with two of his chief of staffs. They had enjoyed h

ouse find sexual satisfaction from her body, and he'll

t even her, she is my property and

msure sooner or later she'll try to contact them and when s

erford, Jasamina's mum say

can see our child was the product of that love. I gave her everything and how does she repay me? She ran! She esc

d yelled. Seems like

ve no idea what got into that silly head of hers after everything you've done fo

phone. He just c

how small, I'll be the first to hear it. I don't

putting you through. On behalf of her,I'm

, I just hope to find her."

ed immediately t

l, it's about money. Money, money and more money. That's way Jasamine would never escape from my clutc

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