img The Alpha King's Hated Slave  /  Chapter 2 STRIP | 0.66%
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Chapter 2 STRIP

Word Count: 1174    |    Released on: 01/04/2021

ly after the King's visit. She saw places again that

he remembered the reason she was taken out

hed her, just like the King instructed.

rprising if the slave's des

ed to her. One of them, the oldest

leaving the hair in a long, curly mess afterwards.

eather skirt that barely left her lips and red leather top

that covered the clothlessness.

." Baski

or, and for a while she saw herself

bers now. It's not advisable to kee

sk these people how 'her people' is. She hasn't

out as sex slaves? Where they shared amon

er did to the people of Salem. She was wo

he fact that the King of Salem who hates her with e


s chambers. She stared at th

reply. His deep voice r

mbers was bathed in gold. It was the most beautiful sight, but the situati

side of the room. At thirty-man years old, she has ne

hdrew his feather and continued scribbling down on the scroll bef

endured unspeakable tortures in the hand

ared at Danika. He kept the feath

gh her skin like hands, Danika shivered. His ey

. Danika wondered if this man wou

ack, still staring at her. "R

a hes

erously. He licked hi

e pulled the robe from her body, le

he next time I address you and you don't respond well, I will take ou

She hid it immediately so he w

her defiance. A word that's supposed to p

d slowly, walked around the table. He leaned

ne word. O

ease...." She whispered impulsively. B

er to her, it took everything i

snapped back, and she bit her lips

Only hatred so raw, it chilled her. "You eit

obe and she started untying the rop

ground. She felt the panic and helplessness of her situati

f it'll cause her to be pun

.." She

eyes met hers,

er? Why me?" She

d to caress her face. He raised

't under

ina, my pregnant little sister, and I was just twenty years old. Why did your f

urned the back of her eyes, because all t

that question. Why me." He groaned, "Why k

lamped her mouth shut. She d

swallowed, "Do you know my grea

k her head

did he have to have just one child? You're not enough for what I have in mind, Danika. You alone,

he let out. Each of them emphasized feelings that grew fo

"You, Danika, might not be enough...

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