img The Alpha King's Hated Slave  /  Chapter 6 06 | 1.98%
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Chapter 6 06

Word Count: 1527    |    Released on: 02/04/2021


ar." The older woman's voic

the big bowl to the living room, an

t." Mrs Menah gav

kitchen. She sat down on the small chair there, h

he was giving to is the kindest of people. They treats her right, as

r during the simplest things. This is the best life ever f

s not. N

s Danika. The King took her in as his slave. She can

ave. She tries to picture her princess working the min

that, and she'll be having the har

e only person she knows is Princess Danika. Sally hurts most

thing for Princess Danika

that her Princess is out there s


bathed and changed clothes. There were only

r tops that reveals a lot of breasts. She k

on one of it. No way does she need another pai

avoid it than to be

ave, doesn't make a roya

peared in front of King Lucien, and

"I. Said. Five. Minute



t for any man befo

o her collared-neck and he pulled the cha

nk to the ground. She stared up with b

and deadly, he continued, "It's still early days, and you'

lar. Holding her eyes, his fingered trailed the chain....

ze, "P-Please, don't press it, m-master. I'm

kneel immediately. If I say fly, you fly, Danika. If I


her with clear hate. "Next time you d

n is pressed, her collar will discharge massive e

collar-shock....and masters that ca

, Danika. Do not disgrace me." His cold voice chi

knees deeper to the floor and glanced at his scarred fac

illed her. "You father introduced slaves almos

suffering at all. She lowered h

rd glance. She followed him meekly, fearin

the courts

!" Chad, his personal

opened. Lucien strode inside with all the bear

around and noticed thr

she went through last night what she'll go thro

kings of the three kingdom that visite

aced her head on his lap....just like every oth

p, the king of Gordon groaned as he stared at Da

he looks so beautiful..." King Moreh,

ust staring at Danika, they started spotting a

sight, glaring openly at both k

. "Privileged people of England! We have gathered here toda

King Lucien is introducing, and she's probably the las

eyes on Danika And King Lucien wh

ng George

said effortlessly with an

let's start the day." he faced the

ot from the ground, her black collar glisten

limbed on the big round table at the ce

m staring at the dancer. But the two kings, King

Lucien's garment until he stared loat

er hand quickly.

her and watched the

ain to start another activity, but king Phill

hat every slave of a king must be introduced and recognized amongst kings and men of privileg

chorused i

reh has six, king George has five. Today, King Lucien is taking a firs

yes of the slaves of other kings, the lust in the eyes of men and

s? Just because kings will be drawing their s

of slaves is a strange world to h

to the center of the Royal Co

into space. She refused to stare at their lustful faces and

me kind of prey. He raised his hand and caressed her

rone and smiled. "I'll be the

eered, clappe

nd tried to detach her m

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