img The Alpha King's Hated Slave  /  Chapter 5 THAT AIR OF ROYALTY | 1.65%
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Word Count: 1397    |    Released on: 01/04/2021

slave uniform. A short gown tha

the slave mines. The mines are mostly where slaves work day an

the low-borns of Salem. What did the King do wit

e mines, all eyes were on her. Even i

She walked like a lady she was traine

l. Royalty is her blood....just like th

ssed, mistaking her for a lady from a privileged family. But once, the

out knowing that she wa

who she is and they treated her very badly.

aves. He gave her a smirk filled with loathing, "Surely, you

her. Some of the men

d herself that she has to surviv

ped her bedroom a time or

re sessions before, because it's his way of mak

t of torture sess

emory. Suddenly, a hot slap landed

her body as Karandy stood in front of her,

t like the consequences. Am I making myself cl

e blinked them back. No way is she giving t

her breasts. He stared hungrily, an

to stare at her face, "Now


dly from digging the ground alone. Kara

er to the new one alone. A work of twenty slaves,

ound, tears was fast building in her eyes

's a child. She'd come upon her torture session when Sal

nal maid, but her father refused. Her father never listens to he

he saw that she truly needed a personal maid. Sally is the only

randy entered again into the

.sir." She rep

ne this!" He barked, staring a

ka said nothing like an obedient slave and continued

rom behind. His breath fanned her ear, he raised his hand to pack all her

ve, princess?" He groaned lus

dy stiffened. "Leav

eezed her through her flimsy clothing. "

only make herself suffer the more. He held her nip

whimpered, her n'p

." he rubbed his erection on her bottom, "....all you

only....s-service who the king wants and per

emitting guttural groans. "

oo painful for her to bear, tears spille

Slave!?" Baski's voi

y stopped touching her as if her skin bur

y, I'll personally make sure of that. Besides, it's better you consent, b

ter wasn't giving her a choice,

s slave?" The woman

rmer princess?"


ved that she'll be taking a brea

called from in

in his chambers. Do NOT keep hi

She wondered if she's leaving a hot wa


King to see him fully prepared and


othes and dirtier hands. His gaze lingered on her cheek and Danika kn

Leave us." he ordered the

owed and w

up, Danika. We're going to court. Do not t

belly. Slaves only go to court for the wrong reaso

he King's Slave." he confirmed

feet and her face crumbled. The

at she doesn't want to be 'Introduced'. Tha

nly be wasting her time....

fell from her eyes. She wondered how many privil

ill be coming to

ill be having s€

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