img Born to be a slave.  /  Chapter 5 5 | 7.81%
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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 625    |    Released on: 18/07/2018

to force

lly to both sides. I did

I won't hurt you. ......... unless you do s

able I have never seen before. All the stuff on his pla

dden I dropped the piece back in its place. Hmm


uld be such a waste of money. Also, you need to put some weight on. You almost look like

e tried to nibble with my teeth

e it was your choice to become like this.

was not my place to voice my tho

front of my eyes, a cup of desert tempted me to take a straight bite into it. Chocolate, snow-white cream and beautifully decorated pieces of colorful fruits ma

.. You know I don't l

ou..." a small tremble went over my

aid I have grea

not feel pleased h

d work ahead of you and third thing – whatever I do, I do it for my self good. I want you t

in proved me wrong. These people were not nice just for the sake of it. Th

very move - scanning my body for signs unknown to me, with those p

tle, barely noticeable smirk was playing on his young face. I saw him taking hold of the fur rug with his

be sleep

felt a grim feeling come up in my throat. So it was true. I will be treated like an

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