img Born to be a slave.  /  Chapter 2 2 | 3.13%
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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 920    |    Released on: 18/07/2018

en scattered throughout the marketplace. A lump was sitting in my throat, too hard to swallow, the tension in my mind was unbearable. A

orld has lost its vibrant colors. Or maybe it is just me, things

n the distance, like the stuff in front of him seemed to be bothersome. This boy with tho

matters of business. He looked so tidy and clean, not a single speck of dust had found it's way on his jacket. Face so serious, his pale skin was

he? Was

my own eyes. Totally startled I moved my gaze away. I was too aware of the fact i

said sharply, but his voic

Usually, no one bothered to remember the names

felt cold as the rain had made it dump and dirty. His f

the regular shade of brown, as of any other person. A high-quality black coat

k horses geared up in fine leather binds, the hair o

t i

eading horses. As I lifted my leg to ge

de." his voice was a

eally allowed to climb inside the carriage? It was not a place for a slave. I was a bit afrai

t want anything to get d

ith a fine interior decorated with fine silk

y some kind

ly on me nonstop. His body swayed from time to time by the rough road under the wheels, but his eyes never wavered away from mine. My master..... was he really my master? I su

s young voice snapped

because honestly, I w

how old are you?" he said each word slowly

ow. I.... think

is my father Charles Wiltshire." Edmund gestured towards his father n


me. I wo

I said

o close to mine I could see a pa

twisted in a mischievous smirk slowly growing into a s

e joking? I have had all kinds of jobs as a slave, b

Thea." Edmund smiled again

not seem to be concerned, eit

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