img Born to be a slave.  /  Chapter 3 3 | 4.69%
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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1111    |    Released on: 18/07/2018

boys, but now it seems my assumption was wrong. I gazed out the window trying to find something interesting, but nothing was there, only barren fields of

we have plenty of people in our summer house, who ca

bought her because I wished to

rsed like I was

ility will lie on you in regards to her. In my opin

such things." Edmund made a remark, whi

d him in any way. How could he talk like that with his own dad? Does Edmund have no respect for him? I could not understand a thing about

l gate deeper into the garden I suppose. I did not see the front, all my view was set on the scenery behind. Th

to leave. We were left alone. He eyed me for a moment,

ew home, Thea, " h

I followed him when he gestured for me to get out too. Small bits of gravel were pinching my naked fee

of was much lighter, that the one used on the walls. A wide stairwell was leading to the entrance with an enormous double door and guards by each side. It had some v

or anyone so wealthy before, which somehow made me scared a little bit. In my experience I have learned, the more money they had, then more cruel they were as

I was faced with the same luxurious sight, it w

't have time to wait for you the

it c

a young boy act like this? These were just my first steps in this new environment,

slightly hurting on each step I took. F

outed through the halls m

ut of one of the room

e up to my room ri

master, " she sa

ied to the other

duvets and colorful pillows. The floor under our feet was almost black, made of some kind of stone and polished so smooth I could almost see my reflection. Beside his be

nob on it shone brightly in front of me and for a second I was afraid to even touch it, of how precious th


st enough light, to not be able to be engulfed in total darkness. It looked pretty, as I could imagine golden rays of sun shining inside

n front of me look

. I can't have you a

o used to them, but hearing them from this boy, made my h

a tear well u

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