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Reading History

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 883    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

arrett ca

of a fence post with his axe, and the Dude severed another when the rem

Dude eyed each other then turned back to the ot

on, " Garrett

f I had to guess, "

, giant


th the enormous pit. There, the gargantuan beast crept from the pit. Like its kin, it was a green and black monstrosity, but perhaps ten times their s

mple is it?" L

iry balls, " Se

of fire at the beast. It deftly hopped to the side, but w

rdered and flailed his torch ab

a kick from another stump, and went sailing. The fights were taking their toll on his body, and he was slow to his feet. The Dude, on the other hand, scream

, " Garrett instructed as he

ort lived; the spider turned its rear and released a thick, ropey web. It wrapped around the stalagm

he spider jumped up, gripped the ceiling and spat more goo at the warriors. They ran all about, trying to evad

at way. Seanessy threw his hammer, and it clunked the spider in its ugly face. It fell from the ceiling with a t

d?" the Du

horse's arse!" G

son saw red; he thrashed to his feet, charged in, and with a series of furious hacks, he carved an opening into the spider's thorax a

ight, boys an' girls,

The Dude was obviously fine, and so was Garrett, but Seanessy's shoulder had suffere

he doubled over and wretched his stomach clea

Garrett joked. "Let's ge

ere cookin', " Seanessy whispered. Larson wiped more goo from his armor and proceeded to rub a good hu

, " Larso

ing's sunlight. For a moment, they just breathed in the air. Then, Larson approached


nting. "That's what you get for making us go


rson said, e

Seanessy sa

I know, " the Dude conceded.

I'm looking for my dad and brother,

t, " Garrett suggested. "We can see that ap

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