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Reading History

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 834    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

warf, kicked the torch away, slapped the rat out of his hand,

tually, Seanessy settled for some of Larson's smoked meat. G

we were fighting those s


u think you to

He thought for a moment. He squinted, strok

conceded. "How far do

es fer' certain, "

fty dwarven paces, maybe, t

. "That's probably the farthest a dwarf

rown at least twice that f

round. "By whom, when, an'

d. "It was a long time ago. Y

t some point—dwarf tossing—see how it's

ell out of here for n

Garrett smiled. "Se


t, they came to a set of stairs that went downwards. W

rson griped. "We're try

go down. I can smell the

airs, another set of darkened corridors awaited. More scurrying from sights unseen also resounded. Under the light of Gar

to keep the network of hallways appropriately scribed. Fortunately, they weren't

e a right hand turn. It was another hour before they came upon an impassible mound of green slop. The sight of the obstructi

of Mael, " L

eggs, " Garre

iggin' huge, "

key, and the mound literally covered the

go this way, " t


anessy. "I thought you smelled

"No, I smelled somethin' interesti

arrett co


hat it

was?" Sean

he other way, "

turned back and trekked through the corri

"I'm not following that nose into more trouble.

" Garre

they eyed one another and strained to listen. There was definite movement on the floor above them, but it wasn't

?" the Dude

d entryway with similar runes as the first entry. The etching was sublime if disconcerting. At the apex of the arch was the symbol of a spider. Larson stare

ove on, " Garrett said, dr


he left end and the right end had stairs going up that seemed to cut at a ninety

asked. "They both sme

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