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Reading History

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 999    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

below the altar. Both ways sho

up, they found themselves at the back end of what looked like a temple, judging by the green and black tapestries, the pew

e robed figures screamed a

ad their cowls up, drew swords. Receiving his cue, the fighter charged in, cleaved through the midsectio

d noticing that two figures at the front end of the hall of worship were chanting and moving their hands rapidly, he let loose balls of fire. To his chagrin, the magick fizzled out against a barrier of yellowish

" Garrett chastised. "Work your

rson whirl his axe overhead, parrying blows, and finally taking a slash across his back, he decided he had to help save his

ashed his hammer into all the feet around him. Grunting and spouting the wrath of Fanfer, t

rength, " one robe

hen he stopped to check on who had called for Lagos. Scurrying out of the fray, the fencer watched one cultist become enveloped in a mist

and with one hand, snatched his cowl, spun it around, pulled the person down, and swung his axe. To his utter amazemen

, " Larso

t his axe free from the person's grip, so he just let go, m

rage. "Your fists are useless. You are but fli

ake cover in order to fling fireballs. The fencer sank his rapier into the flesh of the closest cultist, hopped over the pews, and rammed h

sword free from the holder. "Darrell, I k

ist the fighters with his magick. His first order of business was to cast a protection spell on himself. When his clothes acquired the purple

ted Larson and was smashing his head into the ground. Since the blow knocked the assailant off of Larson, Garre

ins of a cultist, and launched himself at the only, remai

gaunt, but he advanced like a wolverine, and took Seanessy to the ground. The Dude capitalized. He ran over, moved in behind the old man, and struck him across the bac

ms and wrapped his fingers behind the man's head in a full nelson. Since Larson

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