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Reading History

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 906    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

tracks!" Garrett cheered and b

being left behind. He darted off to catch up

arrett for his recklessness that the door started grinding a

ms. There didn't appear to be any way to open it back up from their side. "Oops…

, " Seane

map about this,

ked. "No. We're on our own now, but

eir own way out. In the middle of another argument brought about by the dwarf's suggestion of eating the rat, the scratc

the walls, and it's on

adily and attentively for some time, and all the while, Garrett drew each and every new turn they took on

d. "What manner

rf stepped off of it, strands stuck to his boots, and he rubbed his soles against the sto

Larson m

Garrett was

ather covered finger

" Seanessy

' eggs, " Garr

"That's what's in the wal

n disgust. "Can't even eat

, dwarf, " Larson said. "We've g

me other humanoid, but luckily there was enough dust in that old place to follow the Dude's prints all the way to what looked like another dead end, at least as far as the torchlight revealed. Before the group made it to the end

ad fallen first with Seanessy on top of him, and as t

–" Larson

arrett cr

Seanessy screamed and

is flaming face. The embers were snuffed out before any real damage was

' see what ya've done? Look at me, now, I'm a

were green and black gnarly things with fat bodies, long legs, eyes that reflected the orange glow of torches, and huge mandib

s statement was confusing until he tossed the

rd, " Seanessy c

legs out from under one beast, and Garrett sent whirling balls of fire into more. The menacing spiders filled the entire width of

essy shouted while

ad. As the fighter knocked a few legs off his spider, and Garrett's fireball blasted singed chunks of

drooled and forced him into the wall. "Kill these things, I, " he was grunting and sla

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