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Reading History
The Unbridled Alpha's Mate

The Unbridled Alpha's Mate

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Chapter 1 CH. 1

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 14/01/2024


rp voice of the teacher sliced through t

ed slumber. The classroom came into focus, and I realized with a

t was a realm of knowledge that captivated my mind and kindled a fire w

m just feeling a bit fatigu

ained the limits of my wardrobe. Countless dresses and skirts adorned my closet, while shorts and T-shirts

ourse on Newton's laws, delving into the intricacies

nowledge. He acknowledged not only my dedication to physics but also the efforts I poured into every ot

bell declared victory o

r the sweltering heat as I realized it was fi

ned for strength and vast territory—I bore the legacy of m

f not for the unyielding authority of the alpha, I might have believed him to be even stro

arriors. The whispers of doubt traced their way through the pack, casting their shadow upon me. Adding fuel to

d expectation

n truth, there were times when I secretly wished he possessed power enough to tame her wild spirit. But it

ng on instinct and intuition, each

to reality for the second time that day by

ley!” Lisa's words burst forth with in

aned playfully as I gathered my b

putation for mischief is spreading like wildfire

torted lightly, brus

efore guiding me toward the classroom door. But our path was ha

.. Mr. Smith wishes to speak with you," he

d, my heart sinking at

ase and attempted to allay my fears. "Oh,

school corridors, eager to put distance be

g confidence, though. "You truly fear nothing,

er eyes sparkled with mischief. "Tha

with a fleeting s

mile as we made our way toward the teachers' of

n to the trio of concerned faces fixed upon me. Their e

ra, are you feeling alright?" his vo

prit behind my recent struggles. "Just a bit tired lately

, which led us to summon you," Mr. Robert chi

g trip with my mother left me drained—something I'm not particularly fond of doing. It consumed much of my t

ched another subject. "Tomorrow marks y

ipation stirring within me at

iss Rebecca's eighteenth birthday. It seems your chances of findin

he festivities will attract numerous p

voice laced with uncertainty and anticipation. However, urgency propelled me toward th

, sirs. If you'll excuse me

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