img The Unbridled Alpha's Mate  /  Chapter 3 CH. 3 | 5.45%
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Chapter 3 CH. 3

Word Count: 1080    |    Released on: 14/01/2024


Tara, my wolf, the bond between us

ed forward, a magnificent blur of sleek power and grace. Her sheer delight filled the sur

am free!’ Her unbridled enthusiasm rippled through

ardly, unable to suppress a smi

int with an exaggerated eye roll, her

juvenating both body and soul. As I finally returned to the sanctuary of my hous

our family bereft of his comforting presence. Searching fruitlessly for my mother in both the

ad sought solace in my own haven. She stood before me in a

ad of uncertainty as she coyly twirled, revea

words failing to convey the awe that etched itself on my face. Thankfully, my

e. And today, I don't want you to have any concerns! You'll look absolutely lovely, and I do not do

my gratitude mingling with emo

the embrace of a steamy shower. The cascading water washed away not only the grime and pe

ealized how lost I had become within my own thoughts as

t dressed! Consider yourself fortunate that I have arrived to save the day." H

across my bed. Leading me to a chair opposite the mirror, she transformed me with subtle strokes of masca

assembling my outfit. I sensed her desire to shield me from unnecessary anx

n meticulous rows. The elevated seats reserved for the Alpha and Luna stood as majestic

ered through the preparations, absorbing the vibrant energy that thrummed through the air. My steps led me past the

e with more time at my disposal. With a sigh lingering on my lips, I redirected my footsteps toward the boundary, determined to heighte

ed to the jubilant arena and patiently awaited my turn to be summoned. Ea

and laughter, pulsating with an effervescent energy that se

e couples twirled and dipped with practiced g

f the hall with an intoxicating joy that washed

it was a manifestation of love's tapestry woven among us all – an ode to unity

rent as twilight began to cast its enchanting glow upon us. Their

talent as pack members revealed their unique powers, each p

painting a perpetual grin upon my face. Amidst the revelry, I couldn't resi

the west. Accompanied by their revered Alpha, Luna, and an entourage of six formida

rom the eastern territories. Led by their Alpha and Luna

with an entrance that was sur

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