img The Unbridled Alpha's Mate  /  Chapter 2 CH. 2 | 3.64%
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Chapter 2 CH. 2

Word Count: 1450    |    Released on: 14/01/2024


a small smile, his eyes twinkling with a hint of wis

oice carrying a deep resonance that

sence exuding an aura of enigmatic c

e ancient oak door behind me, its weathered w

led upon me, mingling with the an

the pale moonlight. Her eyes sparkled mischievously as soon as

ement and caution as I readjusted my bag on my shoulder. I could

those easily distracted musings. We cannot afford another meeting to inquire about your enigmatic nature." Her words carried a weight

r late," I shrugged confidently, though hidden beneath my non

nding our energies into an ephemeral bond

e and determination as I made my way tow

rets that intertwined past and present as if veile

rough the hallowed halls of our ancestral abode, inf

body and soul. The droplets cascaded down as they purified and rejuvenated my being. I finally eme

esonated with the echoes of generations pas

d her appearance. Her love poured forth as she busied herself wit

beamed at me, her eyes holding a glimmer of pride a

reciation, sliding into the seat beside her. The bond between

eigned surprise, her laughter fil

s a trait that was passed down to me, but it was so

I'm not entirely sure... but perhaps someone ke

ome with joy. "Oh honey, I'm certain that someone already knows just how capab

ust depart now to ensure I am not late." I quickly finished my meal with

ield, the veil between reality and enchantment thinning with each step. What wonders awaited me? Wou

ining field came into view every blade of gr

me, their words blending with the

s shall test our mettle. Four among you will partake in this fateful competition, chosen based on today's trial

s calling with an unwavering dete

propelled ourselves forward. Our hearts pounded in

s entwined with unearthly grace as we flowed

king stealth and agility in workouts th

. Yet within me burned an indomitable spirit, an inner flame that refused to be extinguished. It was

collective breath held in anticipation of the instructor's words.

ce carrying the weight of ages. "But the participants s

olding. The path before me now lay defined and d

our world from mine when I left the training field behind. A quick

ncient enchantment, my thoughts wandered once more to my destined mate. The day

relentless call. Though sleep was elusive, its tendrils slowly ensn

im with a passion born of longing and weariness. We would find solace in each other'

in my mind as dawn painted the horizon with hues of gold and rose. H

on the practice field, her untamed spi

your restlessness?’ I proposed while slipping into comfortable shorts an

ation resonated within me. This symbiotic da

vering. To have even one of us grounded in rationality am

s to seek solitude and sanctuary. My steps were

ing ancient tree situated near the flowing river. My body transformed

ed out to Tara through

er we bounded through the verdant forest, our movements fluid

human and beast—a harmonious dance

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