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Chapter 2 2. Harris meets Sandra, Oupps! Ain't her

Word Count: 1254    |    Released on: 24/10/2022

ty but he quickly realized he was probably looking very silly. Slowly, he took her hand and kissed it.

opy his password and QR code to access his apartments. How

ouldn't help but smirk, a very brief one though. For the first time, he had a false first impression

ady, but I must admit that you’re intr

im with a slight confusion asking hersel

more interesting things?”

eresting enough for

he sneered.

eed to waste my t

thout using her hands in the

She looked young and very bold. As she l

to himself with a nasty gr

er in my bed. Trust me, baby, I will fuck you harder for the stress you will put me through!’


oad isn't completed!” Sammy wondered aloud. She could hea

what I'm doing.” S

she was whimpering

going to go after her!” he said to himself as he remaine

walked up to him

rm, then the electricity went, oh my gosh, it was horrible...” She spoke non-stop then she glared at him

ed at her w

your table. Excuse me, I have a business to attend to.

exclaimed with shock as

e and see this jerk…” she pouted. “Waiter!” she called and ordered, be

lan and this was our only chance!” Sam cried

g. Just stay where you are. ]Watch and learn. ” She said confide

y thought that the most wanted bachelor in thi

ood by the roadside waving at occupied tax

waste his time running after you? It's over we messed up, — I mean you mess up. Come bac

ed. Just then, her ‘

towards her. She said nothing as s

she happily murmur

t you would be

t going to follow me,” Sh

er, huh?” he suggested. She hesitated, but finally acce

rted, looking stra

liya) insisted to stop by the fast food Van and sh

sed to this kind of food but tru

ow all the things I have done.” He seriously glared. She was about to

way from her to answer his call. Fear had taken control of her body, perhaps

riously and he answ

ing back to her. “What did you say your name was, again?” He asked. She glared at

he nodded

I need to leave. Will you excuse me?” He asked as he

pened?” She curiously aske

parked?” he glared at her impatiently. She scratched t

ome… Haha, I didn't want to drive today. Remember…

to the restaurant. By the time they arrived at the front of

He locked the door. The car took off while his car was brought to

eyes widened in which he hesitated. “Ma’am but, he…

She yelled and the driver d



Chapter 1 1. Harris Carter is back to the country Chapter 2 2. Harris meets Sandra, Oupps! Ain't her Chapter 3 3. Nate gets blackmailed to snitch Chapter 4 4. After the date with Harris Chapter 5 5. Sandra gets mad at Harris Chapter 6 6. Harris and Sandra meet again Chapter 7 7 - Harris is excited about his date Chapter 8 8 - The entanglement
Chapter 9 9 Regrets or No regrets
Chapter 10 10 - New appearance of Liya; Aliya
Chapter 11 11. Dave apologizes
Chapter 12 12. Why do you look so familiar
Chapter 13 13. Sammy, at school
Chapter 14 14. Slow water
Chapter 15 15. What are you doing here
Chapter 16 16. Saya
Chapter 17 17. Sister Christine
Chapter 18 18. White garments
Chapter 19 19.
Chapter 20 20.
Chapter 21 21
Chapter 22 22.
Chapter 23 23.
Chapter 24 24.
Chapter 25 25
Chapter 26 26.
Chapter 27 27.
Chapter 28 28. Saya Why
Chapter 29 29. New assignment
Chapter 30 30.
Chapter 31 31.
Chapter 32 32.
Chapter 33 33.
Chapter 34 34. The winner
Chapter 35 35. Harris
Chapter 36 36.
Chapter 37 37.
Chapter 38 38. The projects
Chapter 39 39.
Chapter 40 40.
Chapter 41 41. Sandra
Chapter 42 42.
Chapter 43 43.
Chapter 44 44.
Chapter 45 45
Chapter 46 46. Driving school
Chapter 47 47. 99 for lies, 1 day for the truth
Chapter 48 48. Trip to the city of lovers (Paris)
Chapter 49 49. Playing Games
Chapter 50 50. Somebody
Chapter 51 51. Paris’ Chief
Chapter 52 52.
Chapter 53 53
Chapter 54 54.
Chapter 55 55.
Chapter 56 56.
Chapter 57 57.
Chapter 58 58.
Chapter 59 59
Chapter 60 60
Chapter 61 61
Chapter 62 62
Chapter 63 63
Chapter 64 64.
Chapter 65 65
Chapter 66 66
Chapter 67 67
Chapter 68 68
Chapter 69 69
Chapter 70 70
Chapter 71 71
Chapter 72 72
Chapter 73 73
Chapter 74 74
Chapter 75 75
Chapter 76 76
Chapter 77 77.
Chapter 78 78.
Chapter 79 79.
Chapter 80 80.
Chapter 81 81.
Chapter 82 82.
Chapter 83 83.
Chapter 84 84.
Chapter 85 85.
Chapter 86 86
Chapter 87 87
Chapter 88 88.
Chapter 89 89.
Chapter 90 90
Chapter 91 91
Chapter 92 92
Chapter 93 93
Chapter 94 94
Chapter 95 95
Chapter 96 96
Chapter 97 97
Chapter 98 98
Chapter 99 99
Chapter 100 100
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