img Astral Odyssey: Dying Ember  /  Chapter 5 Success or Failure | 10.64%
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Chapter 5 Success or Failure

Word Count: 3134    |    Released on: 14/07/2022

hing big would go down in the hall after school, including

d turned to his sisters and ruffled their hair. "You girls stay safe

esmond of everything that happened while

on their faces. Erica's smile was brighter and m

a outside standing by the wall and reading a book. Nobody paid her

here?" Erica asked with

out with you. Is that not okay?" Luna asked wi

rdworking nature, they hardly got to spend much time lei

ng out what would be taking place in the hall, even my friends are, so they're all headed there. Th

y sure it'll be much better now without all the couples in the sc

ghtly and agreed wi

eed much more peacef

on and on about all the marine ani

spend very long together as

the tank. Moreover, this was Luna's real intention. Guessing how Erica was likely the subject of the big show about to go down in the

good few seconds before

ead snapp

is name. He knew that he was pretty well-known in school

ur presence is needed in the hall." He did not care if she would listen to him or not since

older sister. Also, I'd like 10

fter I'm done wi

then faced Erica again. "Erica, please be patient and wa

ng Luna's instructions, but Luna knew that, so she patted

. Thinking that it might give him more material to slap Erica'

saw Lucas walk towards her, then

he point. "You're here to get Erica to the hal

, which quickly turned into a sharp glare

hose. I'm asking to

many others would. In fact, her expression did not change in the slightes

noticed someone


my si

ping her by doing this? Y

ime was beyond the charts so my family forgives her for that. Hate the sin, not the sinne

time towards Luna, forcing her to back off until her back was ag

enough to reveal a slender but badly scarred thigh. "Her anger cause

rt moment before she calmly and firmly pushed his hand away then brushed her skirt.

s quite the force to reckon with. When someone could stay this level-head

s and not push everything onto her sister, don't you think so

r the consequences of her action

brows creased deeply together. "Are you

ways been a good girl. Why would she suddenly become some villain upon entering this school? I'd say that some people's exi

reatening. This talk about lacking free will

hool, then even harder to excel. The only person whom he found has interacted with him with a pure heart and mind

you're doing for her? Why're you doing what you're doing now? Are everyone really just slaves to their emotions, or is ther

t a break, not giving L

each time? You seem to exist just to love and protect a certain someone. The same goes for Rina and Victor. They don't ev


d at him dead in the eye

very weirdly, he could not deny a single thing. Ironically, he was the one whose fea

or then." He growled then dragged her

e wait there.

elt unsettled. She chewed on her bottom lip

y mattered, he was still the most reliable one and the big brother whom Luna listens to. Righ

to the hall, something told her that Luna would

ormation to Desmond while makin

n egg flying towards Luna, who was standing on a make

ht mess with some flour an

and dismay, she had not noticed Desmond

ellowed through the hall at the

rowdy crowd go silent and every

e behind all the rumours about R

ow she made it a

stoning of the i

o them just moments ago. Alas, these people who were equal

ights out of the man who called Luna a witch. He was ever ready

esmond's side, ready to take anyone

e. Er

fted into their ears an

keshift podium numbly, while she

like she was looking down on everything from up above. She could see herself on the stage behaving like a pe

hrowing the rotten and expired food that they were provided wi

hen she saw Erica and Desmond run

to herself and take responsibility for the one behind the rum

at she got everyone's attention again, she smiled softly and

meanour irrit

at?! Who are yo

ying to be like Rin

ike Rina! What a d

mments came out of

dead once more.

h anyone. Luna rarely smiled like that. Her action clearly conveyed

brows deeply furrowed. /Like Rina? Are they blin

ad been unable to take the nasty rumours and spiraled down into acute depression. Y

ed him further but als

hey pushed their way through the crowd, went up onto the podium, and wrapped Luna's body between the

and her lips quivered while she brought her hands up to grip onto th

ne." Erica and Desm

't protect Erica by myself. Instead, th

. The tears that built up in her eyes now streamed down her face.

cious f

t voice croaked out.

ugged her tigh

issful and loving, more and more people in the crowd hesitated. Seeing that there wa

fists and stared hard at L

e bathrooms. It was lucky for them that they had three bathrooms

other two who were likely soaking in a warm bath to soothe themselves. B

, you're home early today. Wh

eaking, "We were just about to get s

me to fix some

our room." Her father shooed her away

vious that they were up to somethin

sting again!" Her mother

ght reading." Luna

sighing then breaking into a helpless smile. "Forget

followed her mot

ir father had been in charge of getting. The

le table greeted the siblings and the smell now

rough today." Their fa

a good fight!" Their mother encouraged them. "Especial

nformation. One of their major sources was definitely their chauffe

aking place in the school, nobody said that they co

e table then blankly stared at t

hing wrong?" Her mot

ou are." Luna broke into her rare heartfelt smile t

t as wonderful, m

long eagerly while her fat

ica held onto Luna's hand be

se call Ge Ge or me?" She was afraid that Luna would experience more ha

ow over easily and I'll soon be overlooked as usual. I won

rica. The odd things that Luna said were increasing overtime an

r the both of them, can you promise me to first question yourself if that is really really what you want? Or is it

and her mouth hung agape. /Of co

a? Pl

-lipped smile and nodded to humour her. All she understood from that



Chapter 1 Luna Chapter 2 Erica's Scheme Chapter 3 Rina Chapter 4 Lucas Gets Involved Chapter 5 Success or Failure Chapter 6 Victor's Visit Chapter 7 Sacrifice Chapter 8 Who Are You Chapter 9 Legacy World 1.1 Where Am I Chapter 10 Legacy World 1.2 The Leads Chapter 11 Legacy World 1.3 Catching ZhangYong's Interest
Chapter 12 Legacy World 1.4 ZiYao's Motive
Chapter 13 Legacy World 1.5 Risks and Benefits
Chapter 14 Legacy World 1.6 Poor Frightened Little Xinyi
Chapter 15 Legacy World 1.7 BaoBei Precious Me
Chapter 16 Legacy World 1.8 I Need Your Help
Chapter 17 Legacy World 1.9 An Accusation
Chapter 18 Legacy World 1.10 The Truth Is Out
Chapter 19 Legacy World 1.11 Back From A Date
Chapter 20 Legacy World 1.12 It's Time
Chapter 21 Legacy World 1.13 Where's Xinyi
Chapter 22 Legacy World 1.14 Life Goes On
Chapter 23 Legacy World 1.15 Running From Leader Han
Chapter 24 Legacy World 1.16 Drag It Out
Chapter 25 Legacy World 1.17 Goodbye
Chapter 26 BaoBao's Origin 1 Performance and Evaluation
Chapter 27 Legacy World 2.1 Blessings, Talents, and Scums
Chapter 28 Legacy World 2.2 Developing A New Routine
Chapter 29 Legacy World 2.3 New Friends
Chapter 30 Legacy World 2.4 A New Discovery
Chapter 31 Legacy World 2.5 A Harsh Lesson
Chapter 32 Legacy World 2.6 An Odd Familiarity
Chapter 33 Legacy World 2.7 Why Do I Feel This Way
Chapter 34 Legacy World 2.8 It's Noisy
Chapter 35 Legacy World 2.9 Keeping It A Transaction
Chapter 36 Legacy World 2.10 Ethan's Treat
Chapter 37 Legacy World 2.11 A Christmas Date
Chapter 38 Legacy World 2.12 A Gift For Alice
Chapter 39 Legacy World 2.13 Recruiting Alice
Chapter 40 Legacy World 2.14 Countering The Ambush
Chapter 41 Legacy World 2.15 Trump Cards
Chapter 42 Legacy World 2.16 Alice vs Rosalyn
Chapter 43 Legacy World 2.17 Ethan's Wrath
Chapter 44 BaoBao's Origin 2 The Love Of A Phoenix
Chapter 45 Legacy World 3.1 Luna's Promise
Chapter 46 Legacy World 3.2 Compliments
Chapter 47 Legacy World 3.3 BaiXue's Induction
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