img Astral Odyssey: Dying Ember  /  Chapter 1 Luna | 2.13%
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Astral Odyssey: Dying Ember

Astral Odyssey: Dying Ember

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Chapter 1 Luna

Word Count: 2217    |    Released on: 10/07/2022

l enough for a member of this fa

ad heard this sentence in her life

t was her best, it would not change a

a drawn-out sigh. “We'll go throu

grown used. Her parents believed that she would one day find her talent as long as they kept trying. Once they found her talent, they could hone it withou

n his physical abilities. He was well-built and strong, but a

began excelling in subjects related to business, financ

the Sergeant Major of the army and her mother was the finance director of a big company. They

gs back where they belonged. She then headed out to the kitchen to join their

parents by the main door. "She's still performing the same as any av

that her parents nodded.

ith less work? You know, work smart, n

r." The tutor said. "I don't mean to sound offensive but perhaps you should really st

ud. You don't have to return any longer. Perhaps the issue is

and close, signaling the

her a break fr

s all trial and er

pose of pushing them. Why they wanted her siblings and her to do well and above the others in at least one area of their life. However, she was anything but impressive. Even her looks were mediocre with

ing room to reach the kitchen. She did not want her parents to feel

as laid bare for everyone to see. The food definitely looked appetising enou

into the dishes. Luna received it all with a polite smile and asked for critiques and suggestions

more casual topics. Luna was not much of a conversationalist, so she sp

another person's point of view. It was during those moments that

ade of attractive peopl

g grey eyes that carried a sharp gaze, thin lips

nix eyes, a dainty nose, perfectly bow-shaped l

hus looked equally good. Luna was somehow the only one to i

our-level terrace house where their chauffeur was waiting to drive them to sc

rong?" Er

hroat as he caught sight of how Luna was already in th

had happened and she

er. "That's a normal occurrence.

get used to! I don't like how

I really can't understand how people fail to see this brillian

mment. "That's right! Everyone

spoke up in a soft and timid vo

miled. "Will you both stop t

r after she was pointed out. Whenever that happened, her family made sure to comfort her. Out of good intentions, her family began to position her in front of her siblings. However, they quickly realised that it had the

rance. It was recognised for having honed talented individuals who now held

school was to establish connections and to survive the power struggle. Everything that happened in this school

ground and her parents' connections with the principal of the school. Her siblings had been especially worried if Luna wo

as the only one in school with a humble bac

of bright black eyes with eyebrows of the right thickness just above it, an elegant nose, rosy thin lips, defined

tly ranking second in the whole level for overall performance, just below a

he would go to the grand library

he never stopped studying on her own. It already becam

ght outside the tall window. The window was so tall that she could easily admire the flowers that we

the other end of the table, furthest away from the window. That was their first and only “meeting”. Although they

tudied, he would loosen his tie and unbutton the first button

incipal Koo. From the books he was reading, she could tell that he was already studying things that were far beyond their

ppressed by someone else… Sounds just like some

at she used to binge on by sacrificing her sleep. She started feeling more cynical. Plot holes, plot

sociation-like experiences. Perhaps it was when she started to

ed by all, sometimes even having a bonus tragic backstory. Some people are clearly cannon fodde

nd their progressions. Now, her life just seemed like another crappy

oy and girl came into the

ack hair and a loud sunny personality that contrasted Lucas's personality. This personality of his

e eyes, a small pert nose, and lips full enough to look soft and inviting. Her build was small and frail even in compari

w that school was over. However, Lucas told them to go ahead first. He wanted

he female lead. She bet that Rina would overlook Lucas, whom Luna believed would gain strong connections he needed

the library to find Luna for the first time. The oddn

s she



Chapter 1 Luna Chapter 2 Erica's Scheme Chapter 3 Rina Chapter 4 Lucas Gets Involved Chapter 5 Success or Failure Chapter 6 Victor's Visit Chapter 7 Sacrifice Chapter 8 Who Are You Chapter 9 Legacy World 1.1 Where Am I Chapter 10 Legacy World 1.2 The Leads Chapter 11 Legacy World 1.3 Catching ZhangYong's Interest
Chapter 12 Legacy World 1.4 ZiYao's Motive
Chapter 13 Legacy World 1.5 Risks and Benefits
Chapter 14 Legacy World 1.6 Poor Frightened Little Xinyi
Chapter 15 Legacy World 1.7 BaoBei Precious Me
Chapter 16 Legacy World 1.8 I Need Your Help
Chapter 17 Legacy World 1.9 An Accusation
Chapter 18 Legacy World 1.10 The Truth Is Out
Chapter 19 Legacy World 1.11 Back From A Date
Chapter 20 Legacy World 1.12 It's Time
Chapter 21 Legacy World 1.13 Where's Xinyi
Chapter 22 Legacy World 1.14 Life Goes On
Chapter 23 Legacy World 1.15 Running From Leader Han
Chapter 24 Legacy World 1.16 Drag It Out
Chapter 25 Legacy World 1.17 Goodbye
Chapter 26 BaoBao's Origin 1 Performance and Evaluation
Chapter 27 Legacy World 2.1 Blessings, Talents, and Scums
Chapter 28 Legacy World 2.2 Developing A New Routine
Chapter 29 Legacy World 2.3 New Friends
Chapter 30 Legacy World 2.4 A New Discovery
Chapter 31 Legacy World 2.5 A Harsh Lesson
Chapter 32 Legacy World 2.6 An Odd Familiarity
Chapter 33 Legacy World 2.7 Why Do I Feel This Way
Chapter 34 Legacy World 2.8 It's Noisy
Chapter 35 Legacy World 2.9 Keeping It A Transaction
Chapter 36 Legacy World 2.10 Ethan's Treat
Chapter 37 Legacy World 2.11 A Christmas Date
Chapter 38 Legacy World 2.12 A Gift For Alice
Chapter 39 Legacy World 2.13 Recruiting Alice
Chapter 40 Legacy World 2.14 Countering The Ambush
Chapter 41 Legacy World 2.15 Trump Cards
Chapter 42 Legacy World 2.16 Alice vs Rosalyn
Chapter 43 Legacy World 2.17 Ethan's Wrath
Chapter 44 BaoBao's Origin 2 The Love Of A Phoenix
Chapter 45 Legacy World 3.1 Luna's Promise
Chapter 46 Legacy World 3.2 Compliments
Chapter 47 Legacy World 3.3 BaiXue's Induction
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