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Chapter 10 She's dead

Word Count: 2648    |    Released on: 13/06/2022

hem into trouble between the two of us!”

suddenly overwhelmed when I found

you think I’m afraid to

he said. I took a deep breath and settled down. “I know you’re not.” I sm

crying woman sitting on t

quez, the gorgeous bully but not

showing right now but I feel like she won’t push

. She’s just a normal student who wan

k. She pursed her lips and then turned to the student

She forced the woman to s

nt to die yet!” The

ed in surprise as she turne

ced at me. I just hope I’m thinking wrong,

George. Chloe turned to us in no time, ob

ourselves.” She smiled foolishly and


along with the rapid beating of my heart as I watched that student fall. I don’t know but I have no choice but to jump and try

” I whi

ned my grip on her even more and then smiled a

ad as she cried.

e,” I answered

eady to d-die right here

o no matter what.

nd she was also lying down as her tears were dripping. I turned to Chloe who was laughing now with her friends

lap me when I quickly stopped her

” I glared at her. “You’re n

ombed her hair with her finge

o I turned to the people aroun

nately, she also nodded so they quickly left. Meaningfully Theon look

mmediately said when they


s. “We both know that it wasn’t my fault.” I tu

e and slap me but I couldn’t stop it. I was

w that he’s my first love but you took him away from me!” He

r forehead furrowed. “I know you love him dearly. But is

o make him mine so that we could be ha

“If I can’t change your mind right now, then I should l

he suddenly pulled my hair and pulled me towards the railings. I lost my

and from my neck but she was stronger now. I looked i

eon is mine. And no one can stop me from

’t br

o fall off the rooftop. And then, my surroundings got to slow motion all of a sudden as

the past entered my mi

and up and walk? Tell me!” I asked one qu

doing here?” H

u.” He just smiled. “Let’s go bef

only a few steps away, Chloe and her paid people ente

ike this?” She laughed. “You’ll d

go!” I shouted when she

. “In excha

se. She looked at Jay. “Love me back and I’ll spare her

” Crying I told her. “D

hen smiled as our tears f

e her. I can die for her…” Chloe smiled. “Bu

changed. If before it seemed like it was still happy, n

ends back then but you betrayed me because of your je

“I considered you as my sister but… every time I

d.” I was already supporting Jay b

loe looked at me, Jay in front of

She grinned. “I know it will hurt you so much,

ing him to fall from here on the rooftop. No way!

uted as my tears f

of the pain I was feeling. The pain of seeing that the person you l

do it! I just closed my eyes and slowly sat down, shedding

rlet?” I saw her tears d

pered and glared at her. “I will make you

I love is lying on the floor now, I don’t know what to do. I didn’t

close to him. I caressed his face, h

is. Please. Stay with me, don’t leave. Don’t leav

me, please. How can I… how can I live no

oned until she dies. I will not let her be happy. I also promise you Jay, w

like this! Jay!” My loud shout

ou’re awake!” Mommy and grandma

lled her with tears on my cheeks.

troked my hair. “It’s b

y from her and frowned a

ped. “Darling, it’s been alm

nk I was in the hospital. I cried even more because of that, it was just a dream.

except for a broken bone in my arm and leg. Mommy forced me

in a hurry. He immediately approached me. “M

” I whi

. “Is anything wrong with you? How is

e. My arm and leg…

air so I hugged him too. “Don’t wor

u again?” He asked. I di

d to me. “Let’s leave her. W

to my father about this. She needs a lesson.

to mommy and holding her hand. “I’m sorry,

. “Don’t worry, it’s okay. And it’s

n I remembered something,


ftop and I just got injured.” Her forehead furro

son. You don’t have to worry becaus

you mea

ou. I don’t know exactly but I’m sure they took care of

er. “They tried to take care of your body but Chloe’s friend p

t remember. I think I lost consciousness because of the extreme ne

ispered. Mommy just stroke

eck you again later.” I just approached the

ed leg. I just close my eyes with so much annoyance

one with you! This time, I wil

as in my room. I also felt like someone was staring at me

de table and pretended to fix something. I laughed at his actions so he lo

d behind him. I saw my friends chat

been her

rrived.” He turned his b

mmediately hugged me. I pulled my arm awa

.” I said to the two of them and p

” Even Cathy. Alexa ju

e’ve been here before? We didn’t even eat because he

looked at theon. “But h

Even Cathy. “Anyway, we

ed “Wha

over Villareal that you can’t live anymore. I


read that all over the world. She was really ready for me when I came back from sc

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