img Rules of the Heart  /  Chapter 9 She won... again | 90.00%
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Chapter 9 She won... again

Word Count: 2602    |    Released on: 13/06/2022

matically when she looked at me. I raised an eyebrow at her and crossed my arms again. What did she

re you getting on my way,

?” I turned to Theon for a mome

d to claim it right away. “Yes! He’s

think I will let you

hloe is just a little bit like it’s about to explode. I will never let her t

n you tell me your name, sweetheart? I want to know

imy woman. It’s funny that she wants to know Theon’s name, I just do

n. I just nodded and smiled. “I am Theon

ned to Chloe and saw how surprised she was, as in. Her eyes widened as she covered her two palms over her mouth

s, “do you still want him to

ached Theon and adjusted his collar, confused by the tug Chloe

eal High School. Now, you are my friend.” I laughed s

yce Sevilla is now officially my friend! I’m warning you guys,

an angel like me also knows how to fight and doesn’t back down in any fight. I was already walking

! I will make him tp be mine

e was, where he was from and whatever. I just left there because I was just going to get stuck. Cathy and Ale

ee his face!” Ale

ht notice my beauty so I should go there,

ed my bag on the chair. “Don’t bother. H

I immediately back away. I stared at them before standing up and crossing my arms to face my classmates

they immediately re

going to say. She probably didn’t expect his classmates to attack him like that. I w

They whispered. “But, he is no longer an outcast and weird guy. H

usly they agreed so I smiled and

n because I can see that Chloe actually intentionally hung her arm on Theon’s arm the whole class. Every ti

the teachers are saying because of this flirtatious woman

asked her annoyingly. She stoo

the problem! You’re too caring!” She shouted bac

Are you serious? You should, because you’re so immersive! It’

s always like you! You! You! It’s always you… How

before looking at him again. Her few tears were already dripping causing me to st

already have it a long time ago, Chloe. You just di

She laughed angrily. “I’m no

hy are you interested in Theon all of a sudden

of your business. Don’t you ever get in my way again, Scarlet. I w

ling you want and you will never have the people’s attention, kindness, care,

just said before

I immediately wiped it so that no one else could see, and then I went straight out. I ignored whoever called

s well as in subsequent classes, none of us spoke except the teacher who was speaking in front. I don’t know why Chl

followed. I just sighed because I didn’t know what to do first. When I looked down at my desk, my notebook an

don’t worry.” He ruffled my hair

s crossed. “We won’t ask you. We know th

as standing on the door

ed my head back in the chair and then closed my eyes. I feel very tired and I want to rest

erday and it was really not good. Honestly, whether I admit it or not, I know in myself that I miss my former friend Chloe. From childhood we were friends until we went to e

elp but remember the thing that was at the root of our quarrel. It was a simple fight, but she exaggerated it too much. Until our qu

more and our business is legal compared to her family. Her daddy’s business is illeg

er and drank it quickly b

the mob of students. I was squeezing and wh

up and wiped her head and unifo

o the woman and then looked at Alexa who was su

auded, no wonder that. “Y

nse, Chloe. I told you, If you wa

I will call you for that, soon.” She smile

der all the students here are bullied by her today. She has alw

anything?” I asked w

“I just want to ask about you and chloe. But I t

riously. “Do you want to know who I am? Do you want to know where it all started? Do

exa and Cathy. I noticed Theon swallow before nodding at me. I

ut it.” I stood up. “Let’s see eac

e. I felt that Alexa and Cathy followed me and they both followed me. When we were in the h

it?” I pr

abbed my arm tightly and then pu

you even ask for my permission?” She whispered

for your permission? Are you that re

nce?” I just stared at her and then

ortunate truths.” Slowly and in a whi


e as she slapped me. And because of what she did to me, I also pulled her eve

, I’m a fool? Huh?” She shouted as

bottom. “I don’t care what you think! Y

Ugh! I don’t care about your middle finger! I wil

ch!” I shouted but someone immediately s

grabbed both my arms as I continu

ho is also continuing to struggle. “He

.” He immediately let me go when he saw that I was s

but I don’t bark.” I smiled saying r

. “Do you think I will let you win?

to meet. “I already won, Chloe.” Her eyebrows met

g barks.” I smiled. “Remember that!” She wa

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