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Chapter 6 Protecting her

Word Count: 2484    |    Released on: 13/06/2022

, there’s no problem with our position, Chloe’s brain is just really crazy and I’m sure she’ll think

wo desperate friends also came. They took a

e. You didn’t even ask for my permission.” I rais

visiting my old place… but I didn’t

ou blind?” She frowned. “I

you two there, he almost hugged yo

sed my arms. “Fine! I can’t change yo

nd you know. You bro

” I answer

hem. “You ate the one who bro

didn’t violated the rules!” The

. “Are y

r. I took there an envelope containing a copy of the rul

owed to go to all of the Scarlet place, especially at the roof


y, Chloe. There’s mor

r allies are not allowed to defame Scarlet

ened, thinking maybe their punishme

thing! I didn’t

You heard correctly

ed one of the rules or two or more, there’s a pu

nishment. While I was there I went to Theon and saidbh

hear their punishment.” He w

d. “Then, fine. I will

Alexa said their punishment, we went downstairs and started their punishment. One today and another

t. I got up and went to the front of the table to announce the good news. I was just shaken by hernrudeness. She could not accep

t budge so I hit the table.

down and looked at me

iss President?” Question of one

ow for you all!” I applauded but I wondered wh

d. I simply looked at Chloe and then smiled. She glared at me as she approached an

e, Hailey, Trixie.” I smiled as the

, Scarlet!”

I laughed softly “You shou

t? Is that even need

t back to the front of the table. “Don’t wo

that you will like it. You can clap your hands, laug

on and post it on Instagram and not be able to delete it. Second, rub your armpits and then

dn’t really control myself anymore. I bit my lower lip before looking at C

on and post it on Instagra

its and then sm

driveway and do the

d easy punishm

ment you want. It’s up to y


g?” I laughed. “Chloe, just decided wh

them. I couldn’t help but get excited. We just quietly laughed whenever

, can you tell us what is your punis

will take the number two, and I will tak

and to go in the middle. “Alrigh

the first,” I said

t me. “But I don’

d grabbed there the tampon I bo

ose as she held the tampon and it was across her cheek. She showed me that she

ered my nose and mouth while the others just frowned. When she smelled her finger, she didn’t look

her to dance. She let out a deep breath before standing up and dancing as if in a club or party. She even twisted her head so that her hair went around. She was also waving her two arms an

m satisfied, so I think I’ll get a good bu

g. I also notice that while Kuya driv

laughing?” I

he road. “I’m still laughing because of that woman wh

. Anyway, it was her punishment because she violated

end? Wait! What’s that

end.” The Kuya driver did not answer

use I didn’t want to be caught by daddy,

e a walk and then we didn’t have an assignment. I’m still lazy to go out of the house so I thought of j

anymore, especially my grandmother, so I decided to just take a bath

rts. Honestly, I’m wearing this suit and I only wear yours once. I grabbed

ng first because I wanted to go for a

just take the key…” My Kuya driver

elf. I’m fine so don’t worry.” I just s

rst place I went was to the park, I just took a walk alone while

had ended up in a place I didn’t know, in a place where there w

men came out of… My eyes widened when those two men came from the bar and they looked like they were st

d to myself. “Please, s

they also slowly approached. How ugly they are! I don

g?” A man whose face was

face!” I shouted boldly but he just gr

beautiful woman

They stepped fast so I ra

y knee that was bleeding because it looked like it had hit the glass next to me. It hurts! My knee

ay from us? Look,” said

walked away immediately. “Don’

when they suddenly grabbed me by both arms and dragged me away. I trie

hurts!” I pulled my arm again. I feel

man covered my mouth. What will happen to me

doing?” Someone s

er knee to hit the floor. I grabbed my arm and squeezed it because of the pain. It

ront of me your man shouted e

the only one who always helps me. I cried es

He fixed my hair and put s

are sore, we need to treat him.” He

still dripping. “I can’t… M

enly hugged me tightly. I could do nothing bu

t don’t be scared anymore. I

because I knew he was already here. It’s funny because I’m the one who has the strength to fight and defend

m here and I’ll protect you,” he stroked

slowly calming down because of what he was saying and be

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