img Unrequited Feelings  /  Chapter 8 Playboy | 88.89%
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Chapter 8 Playboy

Word Count: 788    |    Released on: 01/06/2022


s I hate it when I have a rival I have to overthrow him somehow 'but how do I' I said to myself and inhale sharply I look at the class entrance and see Sophia enters I


lking about, but I knew he was asking about my emergency flow yesterday "am feeling good now all thanks to you" I reply and stretch myself " that's nothing what are we friends for" I open my eyes wide hearing him calling me his friend 'wait! What!! Are we really friends now??' I said to myself and smile at him I hand him his shirt with the thought that he won't want to collect it anymore now that I has my stain on it and it is unclean I heard him chuckle and collect it " I thought I had to wash it but you already wash it and iron it thank you" I blink at him twice 'i should be thanking him for saving me from embarrassment but he is here thanking me for washing his shirt' I inhale shapely "what are you discussing with her" I heard Ella scream out as she walk to her sit Derrick stand up from my desk and sit beside her "that's none of your business Ella" he reply in a threatening tone 'wait! Did Derrick hate Ella so much, why did he yell at her to answer her question' I gulp down and bring out my note book and pen preparing for English class "hey beautiful" Lucas say as he sit beside me I look at


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