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Chapter 9 Love

Word Count: 742    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

s is noisy as always I saw Lucas walk in and place his bag on the desk he bend closer to my face and move his face closer I can feel his hot breath on my cheek my anger subsided with the feeling of hi

want to see you smile" he added and pull away I blush and run my finger through my hair and smile at him I look around and see three set of shooting me with a deadly glare 'if gaze could kill I would have been long dead' I said to myself and inhale and feel a tap on my shoulder "hey Sophia" it Derrick voice "How are you" I reply with a smile 'i guess Lucas is uncomfortable with the smile with the look on his face' "where is Ella" I ask and he scratch his neck "she travel after we break up" "why!" I exclaim "it an arrange engagement it not a love match" I nodded and steal a gaze at Lucas'i don't know why I want to be around this playboy

while and open my mouth to talk but nothing came out "let go" he added and move while I follow " you love Lucas" he ask as I could only blush "I stood at the entrance watching you both" you are already in love with him 'hm' was all i said and nodded shyly he move away from my side and stand at my front staring at me and walking backward I blush so hard 'i

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