img Unrequited Feelings  /  Chapter 6 Emergency | 66.67%
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Chapter 6 Emergency

Word Count: 617    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

iquid gush out of my body 'wait' oh God I was so annoy in the morning that I forgot i will be having my Aunty flow today 'it is my birthday can't you wait till tomorrow' I said to myself I should have

hair I check the time 'just one hour to go' I drank a lot of water to avoid heavy flow, the bell rang for the last period and

' I saw Lucas bag on the desk I bit my lips 'i thought he left' I gulp in my sliver leaving my throat dry "are you not going home" Lucas ask "yes not yet I want to study in the library" I reply with a smile feeling uncomfortable, then I saw his eyes travel down to my skirt I sit properly and clear my throat making him to avert his gaze from my skirt 'did he see that, I won't ever forgive myself if he saw it' "here is it" I heard Derrick say I bit my lips trying out not to cry "my phone I forgot my phone" he stare down at me "are you okay?" He ask I swallow wiping my invisible sweat off my face "yes I want to study in the library", "

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