img Mafia's Lethal Possession  /  Chapter 3 Past | 4.92%
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Chapter 3 Past

Word Count: 2814    |    Released on: 30/04/2022

ghter. She never in a million years thought that one day she'll have to retur


s, I don't think your

haveli gates, ready to enter be

with you, You need not wor

ot to marry me, Why w

ow you yet but when he would recognize the real you, he will acce

n, we shoul

eautiful place before. Its posh exterior left her in awe. The mere lawn was so breathtakingly beautiful. It was beautified by lush green grass, trees, and heavenly flowers like roses, lilies, daisies, tulips,

father did not want to accept her as his daughter-in-law. She belonged to a l

s death shifted her to her own house and supported her all the while. And 1 year later when she got a sc

. And so was their love. They both could feel an unusual and un

zed that i

mara was neither a part of their family nor from their bloodline but Mujtaba loved her madly and despite his father's warning of not marrying her, he still married her and shifted to Lahore because his father ordered him to leave the haveli after their marriage

he came across a door. Mujtaba was still holding her hands and her grip tightened when she realized it was his f

upon realizing his son, his disobedient and defiant son is here along with his

ngs, Ag

ou here?!"

to take your blessing

blessings when yo

h: Mar

rry Agha

ur face again! get off o

se at least giv

ot to marry her? Still, you married her and now you are asking me to give you a chan

e single decision against your orders and you disowned me for that? How is

is woman had wrapped you around her pinky fi

you think. She is a very ups

se of her today you are standing against your father. You've di

an take your place in my heart. But at least I had this much

ve your father? Get out

ase forgive us, please at least give us one single chance. I am

jtaba Shabbir Syed," he stood fro

ce this gir

such a demand. All the time she only bore this humiliation fo

on't know her yet. You will accept her when you wi

I disinherit you from all of the property. Leave my house

srespect of his wife anymore

never step into this haveli again and d

ned the door and left


you're dead' these words of his

's last words. Till the last breath, he only had respect for his fa

ere to go. Our home has already been taken. We're on the roads. This is the

r eyes, her daughter's troubl

y won't accept us," Zah

m the haveli gates, holdin

strong composure outside but inside she was crumbled and broken. But she knew she had to be s

owards the haveli gates but a tu

ive in there, he abandoned my father then

stay then I'll ask Haider

n son. Despite, his father having cut all the ties off with Mujta

the head of the haveli if he is the head, then ho

s position as a "head" to one of his son or grandson, then

he eldest, how come som

f the head approved it, regardless of the consent of the eldest

ead anymore, I am really

e who loves you more than seventy mothers combined. Believe Him and only Him, what He will do, will be the best for us"

ther Mujtaba's father was alive or not. They didn't contact him for the last 20 years as his father had cut all the ties from him and his family. She was worried for her daughter, if she was all alone she would have gone


grandfather's haveli and I

en we were the sole reaso

ys my life tur

t my

ost the roof

my on

ed a lot of beautiful

lost my mot

ous memory which w

tention from my father due to his busy schedule but I still ha

matter if I am broken from inside but I

ather loved each other and after his death, she is tota

of depression and anxiety and t

My maternal aunt and we all were left bewildered, we all knew about the circumstances in which my parents were married. But Mama was dead set on to go the

our goodbyes to everyone and set on our journey. This voyage was the most sorrowful and d

1 million which he asked from Asim. Baba trusted him, he gave the impression of being a very pious man and a good person, but it was all a facade. Asim made my father sign some documents in which

ge amount of 20 million. They were the mafia's men and they threatened us not to go for the police else they'll kill me. Baba

ac day and night only to pay back the money which he didn't even get. He kept telling them h

tack. I was enraged and helpless tears streaked down my eyes because I couldn't help my father. That As

st was rage, infuriation. I could not help my father in any way. This guilt was clutching m

world? Is this the actual face of the world

anymore but I have to do it for my mothe

wever, we have to survive, we desperately need a roof at our

I wonder what would its interior be like? I felt out of place because our house was n

eling inside was creeping me. My subconscious kept telling me

hem had handguns resting on the holster on their waist and snipers as well hanging on

gates, where a man was seated. On noticing us,

you her

mmara Mujtaba is here," my mom

call ended he nodded his head to us and si

may g


s opened, the metal clan


t was going to be a

w these gates we

know I was going


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