img Mafia's Lethal Possession  /  Chapter 7 Option A, Option B | 11.48%
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Chapter 7 Option A, Option B

Word Count: 2870    |    Released on: 30/04/2022

ing up the sleeves of his sh

her again. And instantly grabbed her dupatta fr

his deep voice and turned ar

ese three words were enough for her to knock the breath o

What if he does something to me? Why he is doing

s were widened, she was clutching her dupatta tightly and her breathing was ragged. He slowly approached her

you coming?"

want to come,"

g he was going to slap her. He slowly caressed the same ch

rse if she'll not follow him and she did not want that. Her jaw was swollen from that single slap, her back was in immense pain, her throat was as if

he asked in his cold,

down her spine when she heard her name rolling off his tongue so smoothly. And his question was causing

etreated hi

the situation slowly sank in pooling her stomach with dread.

rfect brows urgi

rage to say that to him. She knew by hook or crook he will have his way with her and in the end, she'd have to go with him. His whole demeanor was

." he gave her the space, cocking hi

gin to take fast steps towards Ammara's room which was only 10 steps away. She didn't care whether he is behind her or not, th

fell. She looked back to see whether he was following her or not and what she saw worried her more

'll open the door, her mother will instantly wake up and she'll cry her heart out on her lap complaining about this monster who slapped her and manhandled her. She'll show her mother he

ched the door handle and her fingers were about to cover that 2-millimeter difference from the

just above her kidney. His minty breath fanned against her ear she

pered his threat close to her ear, de

ream aloud that her voice reaches the heavens and her father could listen to her pleas that how this man who was holding her in his arms slapped her, h

into her threatening her


s her


from her back. The security guards who were performing their duties, on seeing the head

with his keys shoved Zahra inside and baby locked it. Zahra hit the window several times at least someone could hear her violent knock

n the ignition and start the car, moving it on the deserted road. Her he

Baba, please hug me. Baba please protect me. Baba helps me. Baba, he slapped me. You know he slapped your mano. He slapped on the same cheek where you used to kiss me. Baba, he pulled the same

eart. After having that talk, internally with her father she missed him so

ar on the deserted road. The girl for whom he waited for years rejected him in front of everyone right on his face. After listening

lse. The whole night he kept thinking of her, of her straight rejection. And that thought was skyro

Zahra pulled him

he said in her shaky and he

speed, releasin

in doing just that. She closed her eyes and take a deep breath to calm

red her throat to s

ident but stuttered otherwise. His face, features, body

l know,"


w," she held her head high trying

e car in the mid of nowhere. He turned his hea

e clutched her dupatta tightly

d more. I do not want to go with you. I will not ask this again. Sorry. Please drive, I-" she bl

.. cal

pelled her system to relax. Her breathing evened and she visibly rel

her soft lips on the pad of his thumb. Zahra gasped with his touch. She s

retty little mouth of yours while I drive

antically. He removed his

The building was old and tattered outside. It was located o

She could feel her heart had almost jumped to her throat. She kept thinking that anything can happen to her here

in my power to stop this, N

reached there, Zahra scooted towards the other end. He opened the door and grabbed her arm, but Zahra begin to thrash v

rought her arm, which he was holding, close to her mouth and bite his hand with all her might. He hissed and immedi

ing heavily, her hair was disheveled and her hands were shivering. Her heart was b



She slowly looked towards the window with wide eyes, and her eyes widened

Allah, how can

ishness. She forgot about the key

turned it around, and open the door wide open for

f or do I have to carry you on

road like a lunatic. It's been only ten steps away from the car when suddenly, someone held her arm, and the next thing s

o carry you on my shoulder" he

her thrashing stilled. It was so

t," she

his brow while moving

on't to

spank then rub his palm where

he does not like to be touched by anyone and that is why she never

lightened. He moved more into the building in a big lounge-type area where there

ly anxious. She was unaware of what is going to happen. Anticipation build

continuously fighting against the metal cuffs but her hands were getting injured in t

her mother. Her brain was stupefied. Just an hour ago she was sleeping in her room and now she is in t

ne. With no one by her side. This feeling of helplessness and loneliness was doing things with her heart. Her throat was clogg

th each passing second. She felt like she was all at his mercy. She felt like he could do whatever he w

e helplessness. She stopped fighting against the cu

ke me here? Why just tell me why? What's

her helpless state an

options," he said, ig

head and looked

frowned, snif

to choose one of them." his

said with her

en minutes,

tions he is going to put in front of her. But maybe

uck you. Option B,

r drained fr

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