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Chapter 5 White wolf

Word Count: 1488    |    Released on: 01/03/2022

arly, it was her birthday and she wished to do the things she liked, she didn’t care if s

her parents

y you are not here to celebrate it with me. I am sure that you are watching over me and would always take care of

mom, now

ing. I pray you are in a better place and that you and mom are together as always” She said and sa

s and enjoying the sc

artled her, she turned ar

Livey finally realized that it

er voice wasn’t as

Ruby, I am

e her wolf, she now had someone that she could share

, she was just a little pup but she

kay then I am lying, but I

ry we will

to know what colour she was, her parents weren’t

y, there was so much concern in her voice and Livey lo

ling to take the risk” she answered back, the sound of bone crac

he had never seen a white wolf before which m

in fear, it was better to be hidden than known. Tha

g proud about her origin, she had so much to tell Livey about her but she had to

erneath their feet, the soft breeze brushing on her fur. It all fel

he had forgotten about her cruel past, she thought about nothing else except

said in awe, she was stu

led, she loved how she cared for her

d our mate then you can forget abo

more reminded of Ash and sh

ould totally forget about him” Ruby assured in a firm ton

she was unwilling to go back to the castle and be the pack’s slave, she would rather sle


erywhere for you” Mel

me air” she replied and

you” she whispered and Livey giggled. ‘

was super excited to celebrate her friends birthday and even gift her something. “Don’t you

ightly and chuckled, “

n her hands, she happily took

’t know how much you have given me life, I have had my dark days in this castle but when you came i suddenly found the stre

” Livey answered h

your wolf” Mel pul

eplied, Ruby was a stronger version of herself and she

ve one more year or is it months” Mel cast

just as special as you” Li

ening the door, when she saw who it was she was shocked to the point

ocess that he had talked to her and even said her name,

her eyes down not wanting to

s, Mel met his handsome face again and she gulped down hard, his

g Gamma” Liv

ey were shocked, how was it pos

e time, I may have kept a few important details” he repli

k the gift box from

ow” he turned and left

ad a mate like him. When she saw him her heart started beati

tching her silly friend

oing?” Bridgette yelled from across the corr

they apologized and r

hen, Gabrielle invited he

ave thought that he would be so sweet, I still feel exhau

slept peacefully in his arms. He confessed that he never wanted any oth

ontinued her work, she wouldn’t let Gabrielle see that she was



Chapter 1 A girl named Livey Chapter 2 Mate Chapter 3 Omega Chapter 4 Alpha Ash Chapter 5 White wolf Chapter 6 Broke me
Chapter 7 Escape
Chapter 8 Don't leave me
Chapter 9 Attack
Chapter 10 Alpha paul
Chapter 11 New home
Chapter 12 I can have you if I want
Chapter 13 You will regret this
Chapter 14 When you are ready
Chapter 15 I waited for you
Chapter 16 Punishment
Chapter 17 Death
Chapter 18 Sapphire
Chapter 19 Date
Chapter 20 Let me go
Chapter 21 Make you suffer
Chapter 22 New witch
Chapter 23 I refuse to belong to you
Chapter 24 Dear livey
Chapter 25 Dear Ash
Chapter 26 Are you my mate
Chapter 27 Rejected twice
Chapter 28 I miss him
Chapter 29 Redeem yourself
Chapter 30 Love me back
Chapter 31 Newton
Chapter 32 Meet
Chapter 33 Denial
Chapter 34 Protect my man
Chapter 35 Have you found your mate
Chapter 36 Promise
Chapter 37 He is my mate
Chapter 38 I want you
Chapter 39 Back home
Chapter 40 Your fault
Chapter 41 New Alpha
Chapter 42 Return
Chapter 43 Abomination
Chapter 44 Payback
Chapter 45 Payback 2
Chapter 46 Healing
Chapter 47 Is he alive
Chapter 48 Guilt
Chapter 49 Not your mother
Chapter 50 A new plan
Chapter 51 Ash's mom
Chapter 52 New Luna
Chapter 53 Departure
Chapter 54 Princess livey
Chapter 55 Princess Livey2
Chapter 56 Princess Livey 3
Chapter 57 Blame
Chapter 58 Princess Livey 4
Chapter 59 Queen is back
Chapter 60 She is mine
Chapter 61 Judah's visit
Chapter 62 Lord Thane
Chapter 63 Witches
Chapter 64 Change destiny
Chapter 65 Council
Chapter 66 No Ash
Chapter 67 God's forbid
Chapter 68 Bring back my mate
Chapter 69 Three days 2
Chapter 70 Consequences
Chapter 71 Reincarnation
Chapter 72 Deny my mate
Chapter 73 Deny my mate 2
Chapter 74 Prophecy
Chapter 75 Caught
Chapter 76 Ruined ego
Chapter 77 Rejection
Chapter 78 Rejection 2
Chapter 79 I need her
Chapter 80 Trap
Chapter 81 Lost
Chapter 82 Lost 2
Chapter 83 Second mate
Chapter 84 Second mate 2
Chapter 85 Threats
Chapter 86 I want Revenge 1
Chapter 87 I want Revenge 2
Chapter 88 I want Revenge 3
Chapter 89 The Curse
Chapter 90 The Curse 2
Chapter 91 Second chance
Chapter 92 Second chance 2
Chapter 93 Dreams
Chapter 94 Dreams 2
Chapter 95 Can I unreject you
Chapter 96 Can I unreject you 2
Chapter 97 Mark me
Chapter 98 Mark me
Chapter 99 Dinner
Chapter 100 Dinner 2
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