img REVENGE★  /  Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION (I) | 3.33%
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Author: Kim NaNa
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Word Count: 1129    |    Released on: 06/11/2021

g up to go to college, when

?" Yong asked

lady" Ali

in, when Alice enter

waiting for you at the dinning"

me downstairs" Yong sa

lice said with a

e bumped into her younger sister whose name is Me

Yong apologised again

the dinning, when the maids saw her they bowed thei

er?" Mr Joon asked,

ee said, climbin

nodded h

Joon raised his head an

d?" Yong asked,

a new car" Mr Joon s

d" Yong said

her dad then sh

ut me?" Mee as

our food" Mrs Joon sa

, then she stood up an

ed at her

ee the car" Yong said then

e older than her" Mr Joon said

Yong said carrying her backpa

h but I still love her, my dad Mr Bong Chaul is a politician, he want to be a president but there are some politician who doesn't want him to become the president becaus


s it that mom and dad love Yong so much? Am I not also their daughter? I hate them

so that all the properties woul

her car an

to Mr Jun pyo's mansion,

en he nodded his head, he

r, Mr Jun Pyo hung

ill your parents is not a big deal" Mr Jun P

ir" Mee said, then Mr Jun

with a smile then

his thoughts whe

them and I promise you when I become the preside

d a smil

ot a gun?" Mr Jun Pyo a

r" Mee

t you will do the job tonight" Mr Jun Pyo


that she is ready to kill her family the

oughts when his friends came in

you thinking?" Dae

e today" Mr Jun Py

at him then they

Dae asked and collected h

odyguards" Hyun-ki said

the one to kill him" Mr Jun

n keep it a se

with the job, we will kill he

said, then they b


ool, she met Ronnie at the fro

d, getting dow

with a frown then Y

ate" Yong said with a p

d her then h

ss" Yong said, h

sked about you" Ronnie s

dded he

ng Yong?" R

ong said wi

class, they met Jin

gisting without me" Y

lled, then they hugged h

r coming la

girls" Yong sa

se you girls

Yong called him then she po

id and pecked her on h

antic" Mi-Cha said

class, when she saw Yong, she

with your sist

a problem" Mi-Cha said

ng said wi

n the mood to talk about her" Yong

at Jin then she


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