img REVENGE★  /  Chapter 2 INTRODUCTION (II) | 6.67%
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Word Count: 761    |    Released on: 06/11/2021

ds when the bell rang for break,

p out of the class wh

t who called her, the pers

ed with a smile t

u going?" Ronnie as

feteria of course" Y

even call me" Ronn

Yong said

ld her hand then they

he cafeteria, the

, trying to touch her

ouch me, Yong" Me

t" Ronnie sa

uys time" Mee said

en Ronnie pull

on why she hated me so

Ronnie said and smiled at h

nnie said, ho

et Jin and Mi-Cha eating, then they w

without me" Yong sai

id, chewing the f

ed, then she sat

go and meet my fr

u eat with us"Yong

sorry" Ronnie said,

r" Yong said


, he sat down beside Kim, then they s

aring at me?" Ronnie

have lunch with your girlfriend"

llowed her her

girlfriend, you can go and h

s eat" Ronnie said, then


ne when her phone rang t

e said, sitting

didn't forget about t

hat you asked me to do

od" Mr Jun

e assassins c

ater" Mr Jun Pyo s

elf then she put t

ou guys are dead, all the properties would be mine,

riend entered the class holding a cigarette, Mee


you go for lunc

n't feel like '' Me

ed and then

ne can enter the class at anytime" M

said, then Mee

a and Jan- dia

e cafeteria" Mee replie


ool garden" Arnold s

e said, then he dragge


s thoughts when his

ght I would spare her life, she is going to die

guard said and tapped him the

py...I told you to back off but you don't li

job must be clean" Mr Jun Pyo sa

is head then Mr Ju


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