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Chapter 3 The Assassins

Word Count: 656    |    Released on: 06/11/2021

a gun, she got down on the bed. She locked her d

r shoes when she hear

you will die with our p

ill mom and dad " Y

roperties would be mine and Mr Jun Pyo

rents because of proper

I should kill all" Y

break the door so that w

Mee said, she jumpe

door, he enters t

Mee asked,and open

ch for her"

en they got to the sitt

scaped, we must search f

eir heads then

t when one of the assass

ing?" Mee asked,

rents... Mr Jun Pyo said we sho

parents so that he can be the president and all my

die" The as

thing... forgive me" Mee s

ssin sho

ssassins enter

Jimmy said, then the a

Boss that Yong ra

heir heads, then they


got there the gatekeeper opened the gat

umber again then

e door, open the door" Yong

are coming" Ronni

e opened the door, he s

nie asked, then she hugge

's wrong?"

nts are dead" Yo

aid then Yong n

all what ha

that she can have all the property..

cared" Yong s

nie said and wiped the

dded he

said then held her hand,


Jun Pyo

escaped" Jimmy, h

e is the only person that knows the secret now" Mr Jun P

ry, master"

un that was on the ch

guards to pack his


g who was resting h

e gone through...I will stay by your

for a while befor


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