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Chapter 5 .

Word Count: 1088    |    Released on: 11/10/2021

d her. As she entered the backstage area, the production cr

, is here! Wow, she is stunning. Look at

ne other than the Doom brothers. If she is anything like those guys, the women ba

oked like the superstar she was

he ogled her through his wire-frame glasses. He was looking at her sexy outfit like she was on his next din

eting with Mister Justice himself. Well? Speak up! Cat got your tongu

irl at the other end of the hallway. Gage lifted the girl’s colorful tutu, slapping her on the bo

rthal under his new Justice character. She admired the feisty, colorful girl for standing

d already had enough of Gage’s reluctance about meeting her before the show. He kept avoiding her and refused to meet t

r seeing the way he was with women backstage. She made her way down the hall and Gage looked up, noticing her. How c

ps as he scanned over her body. She saw it in his eyes

e have here?” Ga

cob proclaimed as he walked u

er hair over her shoulder, looking to Gage for some r

ng into the eyes of the devil himself. A handsome devil with the smile of an angel. He approached her slowly, slinking his way to her. Coming

ging muscles stretched the confines of his suit jacket. His sexy smirk and strong jawline made Isis’s eyes rove over his manly feat

there watching their every move, she could

who I am. Or at least you will,” Gage

er the rhinestone adornment underneath. She could feel the tip

in my office, and I can warm you up. Take off the rest of this and we can have some real fun.” He ran hi

t! Isis was seeing this man’s newfound brutish attitude first hand, and rage filled within her. Shy or not, she had to learn

taken little notice of the ring-rats up to that point. Now she realized he saw her as nothing more than the groupies he

m at the three fawning over him, rubbing his back and trying to pull him back to their roaming h

a bit of a bookworm, and somewhat of a plain Jane most days. Few people noticed her in day-to-day life.

to a whole new level, and Gag

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