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Chapter 4 .

Word Count: 1363    |    Released on: 11/10/2021

e he had no choice but to allow Isis to join the Justice team. Knowing ho

, he would eventually come around to his way of thinking. Gage would realize it was good for busines

tried to bully or harass her. They had seen it plenty of times in the past. Isis was a pushover and the IWX roster was like a rabid pack of wolves regard

things. His only roadblock was his boss Davis, who ruled like a mad scientist of the wrestling world. He knew his boss was onl

tly what Justice was all about, not allowing some random women to step in without working for her spot. Isis was a rookie placed with the top faction i

er. They were the cream of the crop and put their best foot forward for the fans. No one even came close to how over these men were

ckstage area like they owned the place. Several ladies followed behind like a parade to their ego. Making their way down the corrid

first appearance. The group still had not met Isis in person since Gage had no interest

men. Le


for a great show and took it upon himself to make her new character become the most luxurious woman in the IWX. They were now competing with th

wealth, fame, and excess. Her opulent style against her soft porcelain sk

her waist for dramatic effect. She wore a white knee-length fur that draped over her elbows, to show off the underly

e-covered custom luxury car. Shivering uncontrol

ng her outfit perfectly. Excitement radia

rolling over the speaker the stag


cameras flashed around her. The camera crew followed her every move as she made her way inside. Tonight, she felt like the

not let it show. Her body was trembling so violently she thought the rhines

ng with the Justice faction since Gage had not tried to even attempt to welcome her. This entrance would surely solidify she was now living her dream at IWX but could be a

o tell herself, thinkin


nowing they trained Isis well. Not just in the ring, but in her personal life, as well. She was not as timid as she once was and had grown to be a strong, independent

lf, knowing how sassy Isis was when provoked. “Old boy doesn’t know what our girl is really about. She will feed his ass to him if

different person. Deep down, he was secretly as worried as Cyrus was. Although he w

” Cyrus wrung his hands together while foc

spilled milk. Isis has a good head

wide with shock. “What the hell is she wearing? She barely has anything

stle. “Wow, look at sexy mama. Good for her. Cyrus, chill

damn cousin. What would her

g it off. “He’d say what we

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