img I Accidentally Married a Playboy  /  Chapter 5 ...chapter five | 5.88%
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Chapter 5 ...chapter five

Word Count: 1461    |    Released on: 06/10/2021


bout to become a bride to the devil himself, she desperately wished for a miracle to happen, fo

other walked in beaming, " you're s

cky and she knew that this was far from making the right choice, Dave was

ith your tone? Of cause Dave is good

f money and you are too blin

ed this, come, let's go, ev

d her mother wit

was already standing at the altar, she felt like she was

utiful" she heard

ey are far from being perfect, Dave is simply a monster but no one is seeing that her body

ul wedded wife, to protect, love, a

o". He had a gleam of triumph in his eyes as he star

ul wedded husband to respect, love,

r and over again, even cheated on her with her best friend, he had hit her on several occasions and blackm

repeated the question for her, again and again, waiting for her resp

ard herself say and

placed it on her as a

, just the day before her wedding, he had been with her best friend and now he was here trying to place a ring on her finger as if he had done nothing wrong, he didn't even feel remorseful of his action, she felt the cold ring s

his anymore, she hold the long gown in her hands and ran out of the church amidst the commotions, she ran and didn't stop nor look back, she just kept running, she wanted to outrun the pains

and take over the family's business and leadership, he remembered he had left home in anger, he and his father had never gotten along simply because he does not see life from the same perspective as his father, his father thinks he was too carefree and a Pl

s his victim, he saw that it was a woman in her bridal cloth, he looked around and didn't see anyo

inda look familiar, he quickly carried her unconscious form and put her in his vehicle, his journey would have to be delayed be

aid into t

you? Are

w mom, something came

s exasperated voice reach

e quickly hung up before she

s the direction he was coming from, h

ER, he should just leave already and be on his way but he knew he was the reason she was here and he had to make sure s

d at him, " are

ked at the que

ry but I've given her some dose and she's fine, but she

ed ignoring the doctor ref

lations" the doctor walked away before he could ref

her head when she heard the sound of the door, she had seen this face

y the tire of my car,

n hit by a car

d you'll be okay, do you have any

her head frantically making her aches i

running away from someone given how you're

don't want to go back there, please" she sounded desper

n't want to go back? Wha

as far from what he needed right

anger? If so, she should involve the police and n

ming up with a conclusion



Chapter 1 The beginning Chapter 2 ... Chapter two Chapter 3 ... Chapter three Chapter 4 ... Chapter four Chapter 5 ...chapter five Chapter 6 ...Chapter six
Chapter 7 ...Chapter seven
Chapter 8 ...Chapter eight
Chapter 9 ...chapter
Chapter 10 ...Chapter ten
Chapter 11 ...Chapter
Chapter 12 ...Chapter twelve
Chapter 13 ....thirteen
Chapter 14 ....Chapter fourteen
Chapter 15 ...fifteen
Chapter 16 ...Sixteen
Chapter 17 ...Chapter seventeen
Chapter 18 ...Chapter eighteen
Chapter 19 ...Chapter nineteen
Chapter 20 ...Chapter twenty
Chapter 21 ...Chapter twenty one
Chapter 22 ...Chapter twenty two
Chapter 23 ...Chapter twenty three
Chapter 24 ... Chapter twenty four
Chapter 25 ...Chapter twenty-five
Chapter 26 ...Chapter twenty six
Chapter 27 ...Chapter twenty seven
Chapter 28 ...Chapter twenty eight
Chapter 29 ...Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter 30 ...Chapter thirty
Chapter 31 ...Chapter thirty one
Chapter 32 ...Chapter thirty two
Chapter 33 ...Chapter thirty three
Chapter 34 ...Chapter thirty four
Chapter 35 ...Chapter thirty five
Chapter 36 ...Chapter thirty six
Chapter 37 ...Chapter thirty seven
Chapter 38 ...Chapter thirty eight
Chapter 39 ...Chapter thirty nine
Chapter 40 ...Chapter forty
Chapter 41 ...Chapter forty one
Chapter 42 ...Chapter forty two
Chapter 43 ...Chapter forty three
Chapter 44 ...Chapter forty four
Chapter 45 ...Chapter forty five
Chapter 46 ...Chapter forty six
Chapter 47 ..Chapter forty seven
Chapter 48 ...Chapter forty eight
Chapter 49 ...Chapter Forty nine
Chapter 50 ...Chapter fifty
Chapter 51 ...Chapter fifty one
Chapter 52 ...Chapter fifty two
Chapter 53 ...Chapter fifty three
Chapter 54 ...Chapter fifty four
Chapter 55 ...Chapter fifty five
Chapter 56 ... Chapter fifty six
Chapter 57 ...Chapter fifty seven
Chapter 58 ...Chapter fifty eight
Chapter 59 ...Chapter fifty nine
Chapter 60 ...Chapter Sixty
Chapter 61 ...
Chapter 62 ...Sixty two
Chapter 63 ...Chapter sixty three
Chapter 64 ...Chapter sixty four
Chapter 65 ...Chapter sixty-five
Chapter 66 ...Chapter Sixty six
Chapter 67 ...Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter 68 ...Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter 69 ...Chapter sixty-nine
Chapter 70 ...Chapter Seventy
Chapter 71 ...Chapter seventy one
Chapter 72 ...
Chapter 73 ...Chapter Seventy three
Chapter 74 ...Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter 75 ...Chapter seventy five
Chapter 76 ...Chapter seventy-six
Chapter 77 ...Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter 78 ...Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter 79 ...Chapter Seventy nine
Chapter 80 ...Chapter Eighty
Chapter 81 ...Chapter Eighty one
Chapter 82 ...Chapter Eighty two
Chapter 83 ...Chapter Eighty three
Chapter 84 ...Chapter Eighty
Chapter 85 ...Chapter Eighty Five
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