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I Accidentally Married a Playboy

I Accidentally Married a Playboy

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Chapter 1 The beginning

Word Count: 1341    |    Released on: 06/10/2021

the most upright and perfect guy in the universe, well to everyone, he's a saint, even her parents see him as a demigod and her chance of a lifetime, she had tried on several occasions that Dave is n

he has so blinded her parents that none sees h

n his true form, he might have been her dream also but she knows better, she knows

er best friend Tasha, they had been standing at the bus station for hours waiting for

white teeth and laughing eyes pulled her righ

you a ride to y

, they hopped in, he had been sweet and fu

off first then h

the queen a

ed at his statement of r

seen a queen w

ever so

castle and you be my que

re so

ul" Kathleen had blushe

way I'

n" she ha

ame for a bea

ents her house buying her things, in no time at

he was with the spare key he had given to her, she simply inserts it into the lock and opened the door. She got in, the living room was in a mess, his clothes and undies all over the place, she bent to pick them up and was puzzled when she saw female undies inclusive other than that she didn

disbelief and he quickly

he didn't wait to hear any of that, she turn

she thought they were okay,

to her house to apologize promising he would never do it again, and fi

ends, Rick chatting and laughing when Dave showed up, he walked up to them h

lood instantly, Kathleen was aghast and embarrassed as she tries to hold Dave, he suddenly turned on her and gave her

is car right now" she yelled

steering and tries

t us killed" he yelled try

d stop

ed and stopped at

rning what just hap

as she simply opened

sorry, I regret hitting you", Kathleen didn't answe

ame over me, I was jealous

his relationship, it's

had knelt on the road, tears streaming down his cheeks begging for her forgivene

e it up to you, let's go out for

y tired, ma

he had kissed her fo

n her mind making her unusually quiet, her mom came and sat

she would get a mother's advice from her, Being an only ch

ged a lot, I don't think thi

rt, you can't deny he has done so much for this family" her mom was

everybody has a flaw, so please learn to ac

wouldn't understand, they ha

but that beautiful moment had changed drastically when Raul, a long time friend had walked in, she hadn't seen him in years

capable of but she hadn't done anything w

ard for that comment

ng and bang her head on something very ha

oise faded into the background as the only thing that envelope



Chapter 1 The beginning Chapter 2 ... Chapter two Chapter 3 ... Chapter three Chapter 4 ... Chapter four Chapter 5 ...chapter five Chapter 6 ...Chapter six
Chapter 7 ...Chapter seven
Chapter 8 ...Chapter eight
Chapter 9 ...chapter
Chapter 10 ...Chapter ten
Chapter 11 ...Chapter
Chapter 12 ...Chapter twelve
Chapter 13 ....thirteen
Chapter 14 ....Chapter fourteen
Chapter 15 ...fifteen
Chapter 16 ...Sixteen
Chapter 17 ...Chapter seventeen
Chapter 18 ...Chapter eighteen
Chapter 19 ...Chapter nineteen
Chapter 20 ...Chapter twenty
Chapter 21 ...Chapter twenty one
Chapter 22 ...Chapter twenty two
Chapter 23 ...Chapter twenty three
Chapter 24 ... Chapter twenty four
Chapter 25 ...Chapter twenty-five
Chapter 26 ...Chapter twenty six
Chapter 27 ...Chapter twenty seven
Chapter 28 ...Chapter twenty eight
Chapter 29 ...Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter 30 ...Chapter thirty
Chapter 31 ...Chapter thirty one
Chapter 32 ...Chapter thirty two
Chapter 33 ...Chapter thirty three
Chapter 34 ...Chapter thirty four
Chapter 35 ...Chapter thirty five
Chapter 36 ...Chapter thirty six
Chapter 37 ...Chapter thirty seven
Chapter 38 ...Chapter thirty eight
Chapter 39 ...Chapter thirty nine
Chapter 40 ...Chapter forty
Chapter 41 ...Chapter forty one
Chapter 42 ...Chapter forty two
Chapter 43 ...Chapter forty three
Chapter 44 ...Chapter forty four
Chapter 45 ...Chapter forty five
Chapter 46 ...Chapter forty six
Chapter 47 ..Chapter forty seven
Chapter 48 ...Chapter forty eight
Chapter 49 ...Chapter Forty nine
Chapter 50 ...Chapter fifty
Chapter 51 ...Chapter fifty one
Chapter 52 ...Chapter fifty two
Chapter 53 ...Chapter fifty three
Chapter 54 ...Chapter fifty four
Chapter 55 ...Chapter fifty five
Chapter 56 ... Chapter fifty six
Chapter 57 ...Chapter fifty seven
Chapter 58 ...Chapter fifty eight
Chapter 59 ...Chapter fifty nine
Chapter 60 ...Chapter Sixty
Chapter 61 ...
Chapter 62 ...Sixty two
Chapter 63 ...Chapter sixty three
Chapter 64 ...Chapter sixty four
Chapter 65 ...Chapter sixty-five
Chapter 66 ...Chapter Sixty six
Chapter 67 ...Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter 68 ...Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter 69 ...Chapter sixty-nine
Chapter 70 ...Chapter Seventy
Chapter 71 ...Chapter seventy one
Chapter 72 ...
Chapter 73 ...Chapter Seventy three
Chapter 74 ...Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter 75 ...Chapter seventy five
Chapter 76 ...Chapter seventy-six
Chapter 77 ...Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter 78 ...Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter 79 ...Chapter Seventy nine
Chapter 80 ...Chapter Eighty
Chapter 81 ...Chapter Eighty one
Chapter 82 ...Chapter Eighty two
Chapter 83 ...Chapter Eighty three
Chapter 84 ...Chapter Eighty
Chapter 85 ...Chapter Eighty Five
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