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Chapter 4 ... Chapter four

Word Count: 1345    |    Released on: 06/10/2021

it can't be that bad"

taking advantage of me, all I did was defend myself,

ather go to jail than apologies? You

y think I shou

verything will be fine

es on him but he ended up choosing Kath, it has always been Kath and never her, that's why she feels that Kath deserves every bit of what she was going through with Dave, if Dave had ch

k to, Tasha is like her sister, they have always been there for each other and Kath was glad Tasha was

again, you're simply the kind of friend anyone would wi

r, " I knew you would come, you just can't resist me can you? No,

back, " I'm sorry

at's more like it, my prin

hat shouldn't

would get ma

t we wait till

right, just be obedient to me at all times and we

d she stiffened, " relax

e to go, we'l

d as he watched her leave, he h

ege only to see everyone stari

t to her, running towards

going o

ollege's auditorium, it was crowded with students but they parted for she and Tasha to go in when they saw them, just be

the blindfold, Kath opened her ey

ropose? Her eyes moved from Dave to the big banner

till need a bit of a time" but

I am in your shoes right now K

r eyes, " common love, I

eone shouted

ice joined in, one by one they started urg

he would change after marriage, she would do her best not to anger him, maybe they can still fi

ouder" Dave curve his

arry you," sh

ve hugged her amidst t

, I love this" someon

in his arm, the onlookers cheere

Crystal couldn't get rid of th

schedule to visit Dave, she had been so busy she had not even had the time to see him, thank God he understood though that was so unlike him, she tried to

she shook her head at his untidiness and bent down to pick his clothes when something caught her eyes, it was a ladies pant and bra, at that moment she heard a noise upstairs, she followed the sound, she almost tripped on the stairs over something and when she looked down, it was

the sound of his name, that was wh

how could they betray her this way, she looked at Tasha, her b

alled me before co

lieve what she just saw, tomorrow was their weddi

the pain that clogged her throat, she whimpere

ed, for the first time, her eyes opened to read the pure hatred written all ove

is Dave has always been mine, you snatched him from me and now as from

t knife on her chest, " so thi

et him at the bus statio

ow, we'll discuss thi

ore, she turned on her hee



Chapter 1 The beginning Chapter 2 ... Chapter two Chapter 3 ... Chapter three Chapter 4 ... Chapter four Chapter 5 ...chapter five Chapter 6 ...Chapter six
Chapter 7 ...Chapter seven
Chapter 8 ...Chapter eight
Chapter 9 ...chapter
Chapter 10 ...Chapter ten
Chapter 11 ...Chapter
Chapter 12 ...Chapter twelve
Chapter 13 ....thirteen
Chapter 14 ....Chapter fourteen
Chapter 15 ...fifteen
Chapter 16 ...Sixteen
Chapter 17 ...Chapter seventeen
Chapter 18 ...Chapter eighteen
Chapter 19 ...Chapter nineteen
Chapter 20 ...Chapter twenty
Chapter 21 ...Chapter twenty one
Chapter 22 ...Chapter twenty two
Chapter 23 ...Chapter twenty three
Chapter 24 ... Chapter twenty four
Chapter 25 ...Chapter twenty-five
Chapter 26 ...Chapter twenty six
Chapter 27 ...Chapter twenty seven
Chapter 28 ...Chapter twenty eight
Chapter 29 ...Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter 30 ...Chapter thirty
Chapter 31 ...Chapter thirty one
Chapter 32 ...Chapter thirty two
Chapter 33 ...Chapter thirty three
Chapter 34 ...Chapter thirty four
Chapter 35 ...Chapter thirty five
Chapter 36 ...Chapter thirty six
Chapter 37 ...Chapter thirty seven
Chapter 38 ...Chapter thirty eight
Chapter 39 ...Chapter thirty nine
Chapter 40 ...Chapter forty
Chapter 41 ...Chapter forty one
Chapter 42 ...Chapter forty two
Chapter 43 ...Chapter forty three
Chapter 44 ...Chapter forty four
Chapter 45 ...Chapter forty five
Chapter 46 ...Chapter forty six
Chapter 47 ..Chapter forty seven
Chapter 48 ...Chapter forty eight
Chapter 49 ...Chapter Forty nine
Chapter 50 ...Chapter fifty
Chapter 51 ...Chapter fifty one
Chapter 52 ...Chapter fifty two
Chapter 53 ...Chapter fifty three
Chapter 54 ...Chapter fifty four
Chapter 55 ...Chapter fifty five
Chapter 56 ... Chapter fifty six
Chapter 57 ...Chapter fifty seven
Chapter 58 ...Chapter fifty eight
Chapter 59 ...Chapter fifty nine
Chapter 60 ...Chapter Sixty
Chapter 61 ...
Chapter 62 ...Sixty two
Chapter 63 ...Chapter sixty three
Chapter 64 ...Chapter sixty four
Chapter 65 ...Chapter sixty-five
Chapter 66 ...Chapter Sixty six
Chapter 67 ...Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter 68 ...Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter 69 ...Chapter sixty-nine
Chapter 70 ...Chapter Seventy
Chapter 71 ...Chapter seventy one
Chapter 72 ...
Chapter 73 ...Chapter Seventy three
Chapter 74 ...Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter 75 ...Chapter seventy five
Chapter 76 ...Chapter seventy-six
Chapter 77 ...Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter 78 ...Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter 79 ...Chapter Seventy nine
Chapter 80 ...Chapter Eighty
Chapter 81 ...Chapter Eighty one
Chapter 82 ...Chapter Eighty two
Chapter 83 ...Chapter Eighty three
Chapter 84 ...Chapter Eighty
Chapter 85 ...Chapter Eighty Five
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