img The Desire Play  /  Chapter 2 'II' | 3.03%
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Chapter 2 'II'

Word Count: 588    |    Released on: 26/09/2021



squealed at th

staring at me

ome Mr..uhmm" damn

mith " Ciara

th , yeah

ke I told them some

know that this is the begin


us on studies inst


. I don't like students who slack off , und

ut why on earth does this happen to m

usic teacher . I'm so

h ,

as usual . The bell rang and

s like Usain bolt. I made it to my

g after me . Panting she asked . I to

u knew him befo

now but someth

w ? How will

need to

ano or are you saying you are

got . God I ha

u should meet him alone firs

s I hav

ciding whether I should go or not the

aid as I knocke

llo Mr.

o you want

morning incident " I said and he stood up f

ike he would eat me anytime . He got close and I star

rip off my throat

re to apologize." I said taking some

o get out of there but he laid his arms on both sides of

utiful " he said an

id looking anywher

and got back to his ch

e said looking a

I said , closing

stood against the wall thinkin

oes he think he was doing ?Th

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