img The Desire Play  /  Chapter 5 'V' | 7.58%
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Chapter 5 'V'

Word Count: 1105    |    Released on: 26/09/2021


w a fairy in heaven "

ou running

. She just arrived today and she is hell

ving me the feeling of a

?" Ciara asked , lookin

's s

upils were headed. The sight in front of

big blue eyes and cherry red lips

oddess . Most beautiful

l over her . She had a perfect body no w

er and took her in his office . We a

she ?" Ci

le , she is our new biology

rumbling . Thank God " a loud s

bio teacher. He was so unreason

popped in my head . Jason kissing me out of

ke fabled trembling knees , heart in

in his office." Christian , the mon

at his statement . Ciara

p" I said

ything," she said , acting

ng out . I heard Asher aski

n's voice from behind . Just hearing

. Jason" I said look

ing thing . I don't even want him to thin

to me . A wide smirk covered al

He stood up from his chair and walked up

ed "so aren't we going t

re talking about" . I sa

orget all ,huh?" He said k

ng me on my hips . Good t

l his hot kissing sessions on my neck and collarbone. He s

like you " his words ma

ven thinking ? Is he really dumb or wha

n only to find that his

all over his face . He looked lik

st go . I have another class " I sa

that ? What jus

" Ciara asked lo

h fi

curiously. Just then the bell r

right it was music period now

eft me . It was like he could just see only

nit their eyebrows in frustr

ryone left . Now only me ,

and I was stopped by so

k ," Jason said ,holding me ..

t?" I said

g .." he hesitated "yeah right

bye have fun " Ciara said

nd I was just standing in silence .

t meant to freak you out like that " he said sa

den I didn't even know how t

as so fucking sincere with whate

didn't even have words to say. So I

estures . But soon he st

e . The taste of sweet mint gum mixed into my mouth . Soon ou

ce he was here . Now I have

d run but I just feel like I'

rol over my own actions . God k

falling for

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