img The Desire Play  /  Chapter 4 'IV' | 6.06%
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Chapter 4 'IV'

Word Count: 1213    |    Released on: 26/09/2021


do you say ?" Ash

viously I'm in . "Yeah , let's do

E (movie name ) . Asher was getting ticket

eone's hand on my sh

e when I saw Mr. Jason looking

inks ?" Asher and Ciara sho

no wait, blinded dumbos . Mr. Jason turned around and t

here " Mr. J

n ? " He asked

assment "you do know your pe

, you are bunking li

all said at t

se it's educational " Asher said .me and Ciar

and how'

ally improves our knowledge about science , space , time a

se I think I couldn't ag

e these two are really fools . w

ee Mr. Jason was agree

then " wai

I shrieked i


it off and there we were si

Ciara and Mr. Jason .

ll is he doing ? . Thankfully it was dark so no one could see us .I turne

I asked trying to get my hand ou

yone will see" he wh

thing that got currents in my bo

yet he is my teacher . He can't do th

on my hand . Elephants star

thing when he touches ,

got back home . I came back with a wide smile


son said ,sitting

ing competition. If I could win it , I will

to coach me . I go straight to where

's s

ong Beethoven . I started

eels like all of my stress

e one " Mr. Jason s

cerned. Though I was a good pianist , it was

Just keep practicing and the stage will be your

vents flashed on my mind . Him holdin

s burned and suddenly lowered my hea

g ?" He asked , pushing my ch

..umm" I hesitated and d

" he said , tucking a strand

know how soft his lips are . I didn

kissed me gently and passionat

for letting him in . I opened my mou

eep and sweet . After a few minutes we stopped . He rested hi

ell rang and we broke apart . I rushed out with a wide smile on my f

s . I think I'm starting to li

ted from behind a

u scare

e and her mouth was opened shock


one?" She asked an

ou know ?

rl . I can tell by one lo

s . Whom did

e " I turn

nd I know it was your first kiss so come o

Jason" I

at my

You kissed o

t returned the favor " I mutte

big one. Does

I think I do now and

u . I'm sure he likes you otherwise why

said before en

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