img General Mark Forgive me  /  Chapter 1 First day of school. | 6.25%
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General Mark Forgive me

General Mark Forgive me

Author: Anna Yan
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Chapter 1 First day of school.

Word Count: 1245    |    Released on: 04/09/2021

l, it's also big, there are st

t like those short-brained r

e. He also wanted to know what 'caliber' character could be so brash. However, as soon as he saw the pers

new students like us. Oh my God! I wish I was in t

ins, God is fair. Giving people something better than others must also take so

s new school had become. Studying with such a beautiful girl, a lazy person, l

to this famous high school. But James scored 26 points, and Mark just got enough points to enter the school with 18 points. When Hainan went to see the admission announcement, he was very worried that in the past few days, all his efforts in tutoring Mark would go down the drain. He didn't want to go here together and couldn't go to the s

sad about, as long as I

ames looked at

sed by Hainan's unbelievable reaction. He's been search

e that. So he didn't look to the last page very carefully. He once again tried to squeeze inside and looked at the last page. The truth is exactly what Ma

n the same class." James returned to the present, once again joine

in the last class. You're in the same class with me unless the class divide

he expected. His name is at number 25 Mark. When he saw his name

lass?" M


it mean to enter the first class w

ou in the first grade? I'm in

top skipping school

I take a test, I don't understand why the score is always higher than him. He often assumes that he is cheating, havin

p for more than half of the class

who told you to be defective in this." James

rstand what the lecture said, where the focus was. Even scarier, so are the social sciences that need to be memorized. If he had to chew it over and over and read it for the whole

university lecturer. He often told his mother. James is smarter than him because his family has good genetics. As for your family… why don't you have parents who are teachers? Your father is just an architect, not a professor. His mother is not a lecturer, she

calculations. You can't inherit it

bout his and James IQ difference. Suddenl

really worried about Mark. He didn't know if he wasn't by his side to help him, he wouldn't be able to go to class. Moreover, w

Because next to the class list bulletin board, there is also a classroom map pasted. Grade

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